The course instructs students about the philosophical thought of Justus Lipsius and the neostoic movement, investigated as founding moments of European cultural identity. Special attention will be paid to the relationships between nature and history, memory and government, politics and religion.
G. M. Barbuto, Il pensiero politico del Rinascimento, Roma, Carocci, 2008
R. Tuck, Philosophy and government (1572-1651), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, capp. 2 (Scepticism, Stoicism and ‘raison d’état’) e 3 (The spread of the new humanism), pp. 31-119
Giusto Lipsio, Opere politiche, vol. I, La Politica, a cura di T. Provvidera, Torino, Aragno, 2012 (pp. XV-LXXV; 264-487)