L-LIN/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

This first part of the course will consist of a survey of 19th and 20th French literature, with a particular focus on aesthetic movements and literatures that marked French culture and civilization, such as Romanticism, Symbolism, Realism, Naturalism, Surrealism, WWI and WWII literature, the Nouveau Roman, Existentialism and francophone literature from Maghreb, Africa and the Caribbean. The main authors, genres and movements will be examined in context through the reading and analysis of some excerpts and texts.


Close reading of at least 20 anthological texts (selection to be agreed upon with teacher)

Series of lectures on : Jean de Tinan et le Paris fin-de-siècle

This second part of the course will be devoted to the notion of the writer in the fin-de-siècle in French literature with a particular focus on Symbolism and Decadentism, some of the most meaningful writers and intellectuals of the 19th century as Jean De Tinan. In order to gain to a better understanding of the topic, an intertextual, interdisciplinary and transnational approach will be preferred.

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