This course aims at the acquisition of the communicative and linguistic competences (comprehension, interaction, oral and written production) of intermediate level. Particular attention will be given to an in-depth analysis of morphosyntactic elements, such as: collective and undefined nouns, the five nouns, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, the relative clause, the declarative sentence, the syntax of “kana” and similar verbs, the syntax of “inna” and similar particles, the complement of state (“hal" sentences), the complements of time and space, the comparatives, the verbs with four roots, the geminate/doubled verbs, the hamzated verbs, the assimilated verbs, the hollow verbs and the passive verbs.
1. O. Durand, G. Mion, A.D. Langone, Corso di arabo contemporaneo, Hoepli, Milano, 2010;
2. R. Traini, Vocabolario arabo-italiano, Istituto per l’Oriente, rist., Roma, 1993 (e ulteriori ristampe);
3. E. Baldissera, Arabo Compatto, Dizionario Italiano-Arabo AraboItaliano, Zanichelli, 2008.
4. F. Cavagnoli, La voce del testo – l’arte e il mestiere di tradurre, Feltrinelli 2012, pp. 13-52 e pp. 169-183;
5. U. Eco, Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Bompiani, 2010, pp. 83 – 138