ICAR/11 - 12 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Detailed Course Content

- The basic legislation on safety at construction sites.

- The legislation concerning the safety aspects and health at work.

- The law about health and safety in the workplace.

- The subjects of the company prevention system: the duties, the obligations, the civil and penal responsibility.

- Methodologies for the identification, analysis and assessment of risks.

- The laws about public works.

- The penalties and inspection procedures.

- The personal protective equipment and safety signs.

- The safety organization of the site, the management at construction sites, the building site layout.

- The schedule of works.

- The minimum contents of the PSC and the POS. Drafting and examples.

- The methodological criteria for:

a) the development of the PSC;

b) the development of the POS;

c) the preparation of the dossier;

d) the analysis of the security costs.

- The documents wrote by outsourcers, enterprises, security coordinators.

Textbook Information

- Giuseppe Semeraro, “Il cantiere sicuro. Tecnica della prevenzione infortuni nei cantieri edili e di ingegneria civile. Aggiornato al Decreto del “Fare” D.L. n.69/2013 convertito con L.98/2013”. EPC EDITORE, Roma 2013

- Danilo G.M. De Filippo, “Il coordinatore per la sicurezza nel cantiere”. MAGGIOLI EDITORE, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2015

- Andrea Bassi, “I costi della sicurezza in edilizia”. MAGGIOLI EDITORE, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) 2015

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