M-DEA/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

This teaching course aims to:

  1. know to the students the specific placement of anthropological discipline between the several human and social sciences (sociology, economy, history, geography, philosophy);
  2. To know the concepts and the analytical instruments which define the anthropological study of human life, compared to others social sciences (sociology, philosophy, history, economy, etctera);
  3. deconstructing the social representations sharing in own cultural contest and developing the critical thinking;
  4. understand the inequalities and the hierarchies inherent in social relations, including of kinship and gender;

Course Structure

Lectures, presentation of audiovisual materials, seminars

Detailed Course Content

The core course introduces the students to the study of methods, analitic concepts and most contemporary thematic research about the anthropological knowledge.

The focus course keep in consideration three specific thematic research:

  1. The relations between society and environment;
  2. The relations between sociality and digital communication;
  3. The migration experiences and process

Textbook Information

Core course

- Tim Ingold, 2020, Antropologia. Ripensare il mondo, Meltemi, Milano, pp. 110

- Matthew Engelke, 2018, Pensare come un antropologo, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 260


Thematic issues

A book to choiche:

1) Società e ambiente

Irene Falconieri, 2017, Smottamenti. Disastri, politiche pubbliche in un comune siciliano, CISU, Roma;

2) Esperienze e processi migratori

Bruno Riccio, 2019 (a cura di), Mobilità. Incursioni etnografiche, Mondadori, Milano;

3) Antropologia della globalizzazione

Thomas, H. Erikksen, 2017, Fuori controllo. Un’antropologia del cambiamento accellerato, Einaudi, Torino


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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