M-PED/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Course Structure

The course program aims to cover various areas of general education, starting from the definition of the discipline to determine its field of action, up to the intercultural education, including the definitions of politics as active participation, to get to analyze civic education in Italy. The Course intends to dwell on the key points of the pedagogical discussion, through the meanings of the constructs of education, education and training, to then look at its epistemological status in the age of complexity. Particular attention will be given to the interaction between the school and the family, and to that between them and the territory, in a time of frenetic cultural changes and longer life expectancy, for which the lifelong learning perspective assumes fundamental meanings in a formative perspective.

Detailed Course Content

Lectures and discussions / debates with the students on the topics and topics covered in the course and also on those of strict relevance. Full class lessons, with the use of slides and videos; solicitation for reflection and active participation.The course will be developed according to a programmed path between the themes of the texts, in-depth contents and classroom activities with student participation.

Textbook Information

- Frabboni-F. Pinto Minerva, Introduction to general education, Laterza, Rome-Bari 2018 (Excludng pages between 29 and 127)
- M. Santerini, From foreigners to citizens, Mondadori, Milan 2018
- P. Mulè, edited by, The vertical curriculum and Citizenship and Constitution teaching, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce 2019

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