The course is organized mainly through lectures; however, in line with the expected learning objectives, an active participation of students in the classroom is encouraged, through discussion of the topics addressed and interaction within collective activities. In fact, classroom activities are planned such as the analysis and discussion of case studies related to the topics addressed during the lessons, as well as thematic insights and/or project work to be developed individually or in small groups.
Although it is not mandatory, the attendance of the lessons is strongly recommended.
Students are suggested to read in advance the contents provided for each lesson in order to facilitate the understanding of the issues addressed and their discussion in the classroom.
The course deals with the theme of entrepreneurship, focusing on the analysis of the processes and logics underlying the start-up of a new business.
The creation of new initiatives, today, thanks also to the support of new technologies, represents a particularly relevant phenomenon, not only with reference to traditional economic sectors, but also in relation, for instance, to the third sector.
Starting a business can represent, for young people, an opportunity to combine attitudes, innovative ideas, passions, individual skills, with a professional path. This choice, however, is not without pitfalls; on the contrary, it is a complex, uncertain, and risky process that, if based on winning ideas, can lead to the success of the company.
In this perspective, the course aims to provide the skills necessary to translate ideas and creativity into concretely achievable business projects. Starting a new business implies, in fact, the need to put in place skills related for example: to the analysis of the competitive context; the study and identification of market needs; the ability to acquire information and make decisions; the ability to clearly define the business idea, mission and vision; the ability to develop winning strategies while maintaining consistency between available resources, structures and objectives; the ability to organize the different processes and subjects operating within the company, etc.
The topics addressed in the course are organized around two macro-themes: the entrepreneur and the creation of the firm.
First, the focus is on the entrepreneur who, with his psychological characteristics, his personality, his motivations and ambitions, and his business idea, is the activator of the genesis of the company and the protagonist of its success. Entrepreneurship is a process based on people. Therefore the characteristics of those who intend to start a business (Who) and their motivations (Why) are fundamental for the success of the new business, since they influence its characteristics and the way of implementing it.
Subsequently, the focus is on the creation of the new entrepreneurial activity, from the construction of the business idea (What), to the way to implement it (HOW), through the necessary processes of strategic analysis of the competitive context and demand, the identification of the business model,
the definition of strategic positioning, the planning of activities (e.g. investment plan, production plan, marketing and sales plan, etc.) and economic-financial planning.
The business plan summarizes all these aspects in a single document.
If the teaching is given in mixed mode or at a distance, the necessary variations may be introduced with respect to what was previously declared, in order to comply with the program provided for and reported in the Syllabus.