L-ART/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge about the history of theatre (from classical Greek plays to present production), with specific references to the methodologies of reading a performance text.

The historical analysis will alternate with a deeper understanding of particular case studies, related to authors and works of the Italian scene.

Course Structure

The first lessons (about 20 hours) will be dedicated to explaining and analyzing modules A and B. The remaining ones will be necessary for the in-depth module on Marco Baliani and for the on-going test.

To allow students to acquire the methodological instruments necessary to analyze the languages of theatre will be projected and discussed, during the lessons, films and videos related to some plays that have marked the history of theater.

Detailed Course Content

1. Features of theatre history

This module describes the birth and the development of theatre from its origins to nowaday.

2. Performance: viewer’s manual

This path aims to clarify the most appropriate methodologies for ʻreadingʼ a performance.

3. The art of oral storytelling. Marco Baliani a 30-year narrative.

We must re-elaborate what is happening around us in order to understand what the meaning of theatre doing is. We must identify the new reality and understand what the next story we tell will be, what it should be like so that it continues to fascinate. The case study will be about the actor and dramaturg Marco Baliani, one of the protagonists of narrative theatre.

Textbook Information

A Features of theatre history (3 CFU)


- R. Alonge, F. Perrelli, Storia del teatro e dello spettacolo, Torino, UTET, 2016 (pp. 300).

B Performance: viewer’s manual (1 CFU)


- L. Allegri, Invito a teatro. Manuale minimo dello spettatore, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2018 (pp.127).

C The art of oral storytelling. Marco Baliani, a 30-year narrative (2 CFU)


- M. Baliani, Ho cavalcato in groppa ad una sedia, con il DVD dello spettacolo “Kohlhass”, Corazzano (Pi), Titivillus, 2010, pp. 168.

- M. Baliani, V. Papa, L’attore nella casa di cristallo. Teatro ai tempi della Grande Epidemia, Corazzano (Pi), Titivillus, 2020, pp. 104.


Video (part for the oral examination):

- M. Baliani, Kohlhass, 2010.


Dossier: Il teatro ai tempi del coronavirus, at «Hystrio», n. 2, 2020, pp. 25-57 (downloaded at the link: https://www.hystrio.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Hystrio-2020-2_web.pdf)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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