ICAR/18 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Basic knowledge of History of Architecture. Introduction to monuments comprehension and their formal, space and typological characteristics, construction techniques, cultural contexts and their link with figure arts through the examination of work of arts and the main architects of Medieval, Modern and Contemporary Age.

Course Structure

Detailed Course Content

The course wants to provide basic tools and information to understand History of Architecture to first year students of Cultural Heritage BA. It will investigate on the main questions on Greek. Roman and Medieval Architecture, with an overlook on Modern and Contemporary Architecture and various in-depth analysis: themes, places, architectures as protagonists that intertwine each other, signing the role of architecture in cities and society.

Textbook Information

A. Lineamenti di Storia dell’Architettura Greca, Romana, Medievale e Moderna (3 CFU)

1. A. Bruschi, G. Miarelli Mariani (a cura di), Lineamenti di Storia dell’Architettura, Armando Editore, 2013. (pp.56-74, arch. Greca; 87-95, arch. Ellenistica; 104-134, arch. Romana; 233-239, arch. Romanica; 286-295, arch. Gotica; 379-401, arch. Rinascimento; 460-465, Michelangelo a Firenze; 466-474, San Pietro, Roma; 478-480, il Manierismo e Giulio Romano; 487-496, il classicismo veneto e Andrea Palladio; 517-522, il barocco, Bernini e Borromini; 541-544, barocco napoletano; 552-555, barocco siciliano; 559-567 città barocche; 617-626, Neoclassicismo. Totale pp174. ).


B. Storia dell’Architettura Contemporanea (3 CFU)

2. N. Pevsner, I pionieri dell’Architettura Moderna. Architettura, pittura, design: la storia del movimento da William Morris a Walter Gropius, Garzanti, 336 pp.


C. Approfondimenti monografici (1 CFU) temi/casi studio (solo uno a scelta dello studente, max 100 pp.):

  1. Il Duomo di Siracusa (il tempio / la chiesa);
  2. Leon Battista Alberti, Palazzo Rucellai, Firenze; Andrea Palladio, Teatro Olimpico, Vicenza (il palazzo/il teatro);
  3. La Domus romana; Villa Adriana, Tivoli; Andrea Palladio La Rotonda, Vicenza; Mies Van der Rohe, Villa Tugendhat (la casa/la villa);
  4. F. Fuga, P. Schiantarelli, Museo archeologico, Napoli; Frank Lloyd Wright, Guggenheim Museum, New York (il museo)


N.B. The selection of short texts extracted from books will be provided as lecture notes by the teacher through the Studium online platform

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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