L-ANT/10 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to highlight the potential of experimental archaeology as a methodology of research for the interpretation of material data, but also in teaching and in dissemination of research results. Main objective is to initiate students to the experimental practice, i.e. to provide an idoneous preparation to project an experiment following the right procedure, which entails the attentive examination of the available data and the correct formulation of questions directed also to other disciplines, within human and or hard sciences. Particular attention will be devoted to technological traditions, how they formed and how they were transmitted, stressing the difference between knowledge and know-how.

Course Structure

The course is articulated in two parts: theory and practice. The firstpart will take place indoor, through lectures supported by video and ppt; the second part will mainly take place outdoor, and entails the actual manipulation and transformation of raw materials.

Detailed Course Content

The course starts by outlining (a) the history of the discipline, and highlighting its relationship with Ethnography, cultural anthropology and with archaeometry; (b) its scientific practice and its objectives within archaeological research, in teaching, in dissemination of research results and in enhancing of cultural heritage. Experimental texts are scheduled to be integral part of the course, concerning pottery production but also lithic and bone working. These tests aim to get students to acquaintance the experimental procedure: from planning, to the procedure recording, to the actual experiment.

Textbook Information

1) Coles J., 1981, Archeologia sperimentale, Milano.

2) Gaj G., 2005, Archeologia sperimentale, in Technologhia, 1, Torino, pp.7-12

3) Guidi A., 1995, I metodi della ricerca archeologica, pp. 136-139.

4) Guidi A., Bellintani P., Chelidonio G., Longo L., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale nell’archeologia italiana, in Atti del conv. Archeologie sperimentali Metodologie ed esperienze fra verifica, riproduzione, comunicazione e simulazione, Comano Terme -Fiavè 2001, pp.77-95.

5) Longo L., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale, esperimenti in archeologia, divulgazione. Osservazioni su significato e ruolo dell’Archeologia sperimentale, in Rivista Scienze Preistoriche, LIII, pp.549-568.

6) Mathieu J. R., 2002 Introduction in Experimental Archaeology: Replicating Past Objects, Behaviors, and processes, BAR International series 1035, pp.1-11

7) Pétrequin P., 2008, Archéologie expérimentale et grand public, in Marq, Arqueologìa y Museos, pp. 33-61

8) Renfrew C., Bahn P., 1995, voce “Archeologia sperimentale” in Archeologia –teoria – metodi - pratica, Bologna, pp. s.2.1, 178, 236, 246, 274-276, 279, 282, 284, 286

9) Zifferero A., 2003, Archeologia sperimentale e parchi archeologici, in Atti del conv. Archeologie sperimentali. Metodologie ed esperienze fra verifica, riproduzione, comunicazione e simulazione, Comano Terme – Fiavè 2001, pp. 49-76.

10) Mannoni T, Giannichedda E. 1996, Archeologia della produzione, cap. I, II, III, IV, Einaudi, Torino

11) Vidale M., 2004, Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia, Carocci, Roma

12) V. Forte, S. Nunziante Cesaro, Laura Medeghini 2018, Cooking traces on Copper Age pottery from central Italy: An integrated approach comprising use wear analysis, spectroscopic analysis and experimental archaeology, Journal of Arcaheological Science, Report 18 (2018), pp.121-138.

13) Todaro S, 2020 Prima del tornio. Un approccio sperimentale allo studio delle tecniche di foggiatura nel mediterraneo preistorico, Roma 2020, Edizioniquasar.


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