L-ANT/10 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The class aims to offer a framework, updated and in line with the times, on archaeological research in its various aspects, investigating basic concepts, theories and methods of field and laboratory activity, through the analysis of some case studies. The analysis of the methodological structure of the discipline will allow to start, in an inter and multidisciplinary perspective, reflections on different topics that from the strategies of documentation, analysis and historical reconstruction are extended to include the theme of the profession, the relationship with the community and social and public function of contemporary archeology. In particular, topics that affect the training of the archaeologist will be analyzed during the classes, from field surveys, to work tools, to normative tools, to the great theme of conservation, management, use and enhancement, through an adequate communication of the archaeological heritage.

Course Structure

The class will take place with lectures accompanied by PPT presentations. For some specific topics covered in the class it will also be possible to carry out exercises with the involvement of the student, individually or in groups. There are also guided visits to museums and archaeological sites. In addition, during the course of the lessons, highly qualified experts in the field will be invited to offer short seminars (face-to-face or online) who will illustrate their specific study experiences in order to increase the student's educational background.

Detailed Course Content

The overall classes includes a first series of general lectures with analysis of the guidelines, theories and methods that underlie the methodologies of archaeological research. A second section, on the other hand, includes specific lessons on some topics of particular interest also in relation to the evolution of the discipline in its relationship with contemporary society.

a) Archeology, research methods and strategies;

b) Urban archeology: knowledge of multi-layered cities;

c) Archeology and professions;

d) Archeology and management;

e) Archeology and enhancement;

f) Public archeology.


Furthermore, specific focuses will be held by A. Mazzaglia, expert on the subject and qualified associate professor in Archeology on the following topics:

g) Archaeological excavation: theories and methods of stratigraphic investigation;

h) Archeology and information technology: ICT technologies to support historical-archaeological reconstruction;

Textbook Information

- D. Manacorda, Lezioni di archeologia, Bari 2008 (259 pp.).
- C. Renfrew, P. Bahn, Archeologia. Teorie, metodi, pratica, Bologna 2018 (solamente i capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4 –156 pp.).
- R. Francovich, D. Manacorda (a cura di), Dizionario di archeologia, Bari 2000. Voci: Ambientale, archeologia (L. Motta); Archeobotanica (L. Motta); Architettura, archeologia dell’ (R. Parenti); Archeometria (G. Olcese); Bioarcheologia (L. Motta); Contesto (N. Terrenato); Cultura materiale (E. Giannichedda); Diagnostica (F. Cambi); Etnoarcheologia (M. Vidale); Iconografia e iconologia (M. Barbanera); Paradigma indiziario (G. Pucci); Produzione, archeologia della (E. Giannichedda). (15 pp. complessive)

D. Manacorda, Archeologia, in Enciclopedia Treccani , Roma 2020, pp. 78-83 (pdf fornito dal docente) (5 pp.)

C. Megale – S. Monti, Manuale di management per l’archeologia. Processi e procedure per l’archeologia nella società contemporanea, Milano, 2021 (selezione indicata dal docente in aula - 150 pp.)

In addition, selected bibliography and further readings will be provided during the classes, also on the basis of the student's interests.

Non-attending students must agree on supplementary texts with the professor.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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