M-FIL/05 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to explore textual linguistics, the semiotics of the text, and the semiotics of cultures, with particular emphasis on hermeneutic, structural and interpretative perspectives.

The aim is to enable students to recognize cultures as a set of relevant, mutually translatable texts that are realized in terms of complex semiotic constructions.

Course Structure

Lectures, brainstorming and classroom exercises.

If the course will be taught in a blended mode or at a distance, the necessary changes will be made in order to comply with the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Textual linguistics and hermeneutic perspective
  2. Norms, usages, styles: from Bühler to Coseriu.
  3. Language, discourse, enunciation.
  4. Hermeneutics as a philosophical practice: Gadamer.
  5. From the text linguistics to the semiotics of the text
  6. Narrativity and discursiveness
  7. Esthesia: aesthetic perception and meaning
  8. The semiotics of culture: the structural and interpretative perspective (Lévi-Strauss, Jakobson, Lotman, Fontanille)
  9. Culture as text and translation: between ideological networks and negotiation
  10. Types of culture and semiospheres
  11. The semiotics of culture as social critique: the sociosemiotic gaze
  12. The logics of culture: norms, enunciations, praxis, dress

Textbook Information

  1. Eugenio Coseriu, Linguistica del testo. Introduzione a una ermeneutica del senso, Roma Carocci ,2014, cap. 1 e 2, pp. 159.
  2. Gianfranco Marrone, Semiotica del testo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001, pp. 179.
  3. Anna Maria Lorusso, Semiotica della cultura, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010, pp. 179.
  4. Hans-Georg Gadamer, Linguaggio, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005 (one chapter of the student’s choice)
  5. Other texts may be provided through the Studium platform.

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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