L-LIN/10 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Drawing on a number of theories that have transformed of late the notion of gender in relation to other notions such as sex and sexuality, difference and differences, the body, subjectivity and identity, this Course intends to enquire into the ways in which the language of culture, religious and anthropological discourse, as well as the discourse of philosophy and science articulate the relationship of gender, the body and sexed identity; the Course will also enquire into the ways in which these discourses produce representations and images conveying gendered stereotypes in Western culture through the traditional binaries of nature-culture, body-mind, emotion-reason. Special attention will be given to those discursive constellations and cultural phenomena that have founded and consolidated, or subverted, gendered stereotypes, as well as to those theories that have challenged the epistemological models underlying such stereotypes, thus forcing new themes, subjects and methodologies into ‘high’ cultural contexts.

The notion of gender will be used as a tool to shed light on the interconnections between self and other, culture and society, the social and symbolic dimensions as well as several aspects of representation. This Course intends to enhance new theoretical and critical abilities by drawing on feminist epistemology whose perspectives can be profitably employed in the production of new knowledge. Students of Gender Studies will therefore investigate not just “the condition of women” as subjects and objects of enquiry, the relationships between men and women, or same-sex relationships, but they will become acquainted with issues and conceptual categories meant to expand the scope to those subjects and phenomena of the social imaginary, and to artistic-literary representations and self-representations so far excluded from the fields of traditional academic disciplines.

Course Structure

Teaching and group discussions in the classroom.

Detailed Course Content

This Course will provide a theoretical and practical overview of issues bearing on the representation and self-representation of sexed and gendered identities from different perspectives. Special attention will be given to those theoretical paradigms traditionally marginalised in the humanities with the aim of offering students alternative models for the analysis of – mainly, but not exclusively – British literature and culture (including visual, media, and “pop” culture). The following issues will be analysed in depth:

Gender and sex: real and imaginary (dis)symmetries.

Gender inequalities and biological differences between men and women.

Symbolic, social, cultural, and historical construal of difference.

Gendered apprehension of otherness.

The body and signification.

Eros and desire.

Sexual orientation and identity.

Feminist studies.

Gender as a social power relation.

History of feminist political struggles.

The different forms of gendered violence.

The representation of the body in culture, literature, the arts, and the discourses of science and philosophy.

Gender as rhetorical device in literature, philosophy, the social sciences and new technologies.

Our methodology is a multi- and interdisciplinary approach with contributions from several trends of feminist criticism combined with additional analytical tools from diverse disciplines and theories such as Marxism, New Historicism, Freudian and post-Freudian psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, postcolonial studies, lesbian and gay studies, queer theories, sexuality studies, body and embodiment theories, etc.

Textbook Information

Module 1. Feminist Political Thought from Woolf to Wittig (Prof. S. Arcara)

Module 2. The Invention of Gender: Masculinity, Femininity and Their Others (prof. M.G. Nicolosi)

Out-of-print material will be made available through the platform Studium UniCT.


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