A) Analysis of the elements, methodologies, and central issues of philosophical anthropology, as science of the nature of the human being, also in a brief historical path, by focusing on the main authors of the contemporary philosophical anthropology: Scheler, Gehlen, Plessner;
B) Analysis of the traits of human beings and their behaviour in the contemporary society, among the excesses of instrumental reason, bureaucratization, technological hybridization, legalism, and individualism;
C) Analysis of the individual existence in terms of radical reality and the relationship between the self and the other, through a phenomenology of the otherness and authentic life;
D) Analysis of the relationship between nature and culture in the definition of the human being, through the meaning and role of technique.
E) Analysis of a specific characteristic of the human being, through the study of love, falling in love, desire, hate.
Frontal lectures and group discussions of the emerging topics.
A) What philosophical anthropology and the human being are: meaning, methodologies, history of the central issues, the human being as psycho-physical reality, the role of drives and rationality, the mind-body issue, intersubjectivity and the role of ties, dimensions of human action in aesthetics, politics, ethics, and religion, the topic of human dignity, the issue of mortality, transcendence of the human being and the post-human, the distinction between humans and animals, with a focus on Scheler, Gehlen and Plessner;
B) Diseases and distortions of the human being in the modern and contemporary ages: the phenomena of individualism, massification, instrumental reason, bureaucratization, necessity of functioning, technological hybridization and the effects of disenchantment, apathy and tyranny of majority, according to Taylor;
C) The I, the Other and society: the traits of the authentic life and radical reality, phenomenology of the self and the appearance of the other, the other as a threat or opportunity, the structural laws of the world, the practices of social interaction and the role of uses, according to Ortega y Gasset;
D) Technique as a specific characteristic of the human beings and their capacity to overlap nature and culture, technique’s stages, the distinction between humans and animals, life as fabrication, craftsmanship, ancient and modern technicism, according to Ortega y Gasset;
E) Love as a specific characteristic of humans and the deep relationship with the person, the difference from infatuation and desire, the dynamics of falling in love, and the meaning of hate, according to Ortega y Gasset.
Module A) What philosphical anthropology (1 ECTS)
M. T. Pansera, La specificità dell’umano. Percorsi di antropologia filosofica, Inschibboleth 2019, only chapters I-IV, pp. 172:
Ch. I: Antropologia Filosofica
Ch. II: Max Scheler e la posizione dell’uomo nel cosmo
Ch. III: Arnold Gehlen e l’uomo progetto della natura
Ch. IV: Helmuth Plessner e l’eccentricità dell’uomo
Module B) Diseases and distortions of the human being in the modern and contemporary ages (1 ECTS)
Ch. Taylor, Il disagio della modernità, Laterza 2006, pp. 140.
C) The I, the Other and society (2 ECTS)
J. Ortega y Gasset, L’uomo e la gente, Mimesis 2016, pp. 270.
D) Technique according to Ortega y Gasset (1 ECTS)
J. Ortega y Gasset, Meditazione sulla tecnica e altri saggi su scienza e filosofia, Mimesis 2011, pp. 160.
E) Love in Ortega y Gasset (1 ECTS)
J. Ortega y Gasset, Sull’amore, Sugarco 1994, pp. 110.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.