M-FIL/08 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Be aware of the link between society, philosophical ideas and practices in the Middle Ages through the deepening of conceptual structures that characterize the increasing ability to respond appropriately to demand of rationality. Acquire for this purpose a method of critical reading and interpretation of medieval philosophical texts.

Course Structure

The teaching method is based on the deepening of the main themes of the history of medieval thought and philosophy during frontal lessons, which take into account the needs and shortcomings of the students. This needs highlighted in the interaction in which the training relationship consists.

Detailed Course Content

The main historiographic “strands” related to medieval philosophy; selection of complete editions and specialized studies devoted to texts and authors of the logical-linguistic and philosophical-naturalistic tradition and its “enrichment” for the influence of Greek and Arabic cultural areas.

Textbook Information

Module A. The Logic of Peter Abelarde (4 ECTS, 579 pp.)

- Maria Teresa Beonio Brocchieri Fumagalli, La logica di Abelardo, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1969, pp. 1-109.

- Alain de Libera, Il problema degli universali da Platone alla fine del Medioevo, La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1999, pp. 127-180.

- Concetto Martello, L’essere delle cose. La nozione di status nel dibattito sugli universalidel XII secolo, Bonanno, Acireale-Roma 2015, pp. 9-112.

- Simona Follini, La questione degli unioversali nel pensiero di Pietro Abelardo, PhD Diss., Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia 2016.

- Petrus Abaelardus, Glossae super Porphyrium, Aschendorff, Münster i. W. 1919 (Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalter, XXI, 1), pp. 7-32 (La traduzione italiana dell’edizione del testo latino verrà fornita all’inizio delle lezioni).


Module B. The Psychology of Siger de Brabante (2 ECTS, pp. 300)

- Andrea Vella, Secundum viam Philosophi. Gli aristotelismi nel tardo medioevo latino, Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo 1014, pp. 3-125.

- Sigieri di Brabante, Anima dell’uomo, Bompiani, Milano 2007, pp. 5-64; 79-311 (solo pagine dispari).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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