The course aims to develop specialized knowledge in the fields of analytical philosophy and cognitive sciences, with special regard to the understanding of linguistic phenomena and processes, and specifically to the domains of linguistic semantics and pragmatics.
With regard to competences, the course aims to develop advanced skills of analysis and assessment of argumentation and evidence that are relevant for the domains specified above. An important goal is to promote awareness of the style of argumentation appropriate to domains in which analytical precision is required, together with some standardization of the procedures involved in the evaluation of the hypotheses.
Frontal lessons and discussion in class.
Semantics: theories of meaning and comprehension; neurobiological models; modal, amodal, and dual models; inferential role semantics (Mazzone 2019); comprehension and consciousness (Mazzone 2019).
Pragmatics: linguistic turn in philosophy; ideal language and ordinary language philosophy; Austin’s model; Grice’s model; Relevance Theory; associative and inferential models in pragmatics, automatic and controlled processes; modularity; mindreading and pragmatics.
Application of notions from analytical philosophy of language and epistemology to an issue of public ethics.
1) A. Paternoster, F. Calzavarini (2020), Comprendere il linguaggio, il Mulino (250 pagg.).
2) M. Mazzone, Pragmatica cognitiva e mindreading, Bonanno, 2016 (176 pagg.).
3) J. Stanley, La propaganda. Cos’è e come funziona, Mondadori, 2020 (386 pagg.).
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.