L-FIL-LET/11 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the general outlines of the history of Italian literature of the twentieth century, through the study of the more representative authors and texts.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

The study of the authors will be conducted through the analysis of texts that allow a direct comparison with the poetics of each, as well as through knowledge of the main critical contributions for the works under consideration. A specific form of study will be dedicated to Vittorini and the initiation novel.

Textbook Information

A) The Italian storytelling and poetry in the twentieth century (7 ECTS).

A textbook to choose from:

C. Segre – C. Martignoni, Leggere il mondo, Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori, (related chapters);

R. Luperini – P. Cataldi – L. Marchiani, Il nuovo La scrittura e l’interpretazione, voll. 5-6, Palumbo (related chapters);

G. Langella, La modernità letteraria. Manuale di letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea, Pearson 2021 (related chapters).

The total amount of pages is within the limit of 400.

Particular attention should be paid to the following authors:

G. Pascoli, G. D’Annunzio L. Pirandello, G. Gozzano, C. Sbarbaro, U. Saba, C. Rebora, D. Campana, F. Tozzi, I. Svevo, C.E. Gadda, A. Moravia, G. Ungaretti, E. Montale, S. Quasimodo, C. Pavese, E. Vittorini, V. Pratolini, B. Fenoglio, P. Levi, I. Calvino, E. Morante, P.P. Pasolini, V. Sereni, G. Caproni, A. Bertolucci, A. Zanzotto, M. Luzi, F. Fortini, E. Sanguineti, L. Sciascia, G. Manganelli, G. Bufalino. The study will be complemented by an anthology of texts (100 prose texts and 100 poetical texts, about 300 pp.) chosen by the student.


B) Vittorini and the initiation novel (2 ECTS).

E. Vittorini, Il garofano rosso, edition of your choice.

E. Vittorini, Conversazione in Sicilia, edition of your choice.

M. Paino, Ritorni vittoriniani, in Ead., Il moto immobile. Nostoi, sonni e sogni nella letteratura siciliana del ‘900, Pisa, ETS, pp. 11-37.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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