L-FIL-LET/12 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Conveying a knowledge of Italian linguistic history as a history of communicative uses in relation to linguistic, socio-political and literary history, in a European perspective;

Structuring the metalinguistic reflection on changes in the phonomorphological, lexical and syntactic system in the transition from Latin to Italian;

Developing basic skills for understanding and linguistic reading of texts

Developing text writing skills

Course Structure

The course will adopt an interactive approach, aimed at making students capable of applying the "rules" of linguistic and textual use of Italian with full mastery.

In introductory lessons and in workshop activities, paths of external and internal linguistic history will be built, with exercises aimed at transmitting metalinguistic skills suitable for a conscious active and passive knowledge of Italian language.

Detailed Course Content

External linguistic history: evolution from spoken Latin to the Tuscan dialect and the Italian language at all structural levels and in all varieties of use, focusing on the dynamics of italianization in written and oral communication (literature, religion, politics, bureaucracy, mass media) Internal linguistic history: observation of the principal phonetic, lexical and semantic, morphological changes in the passage from Latin to Italian; Grammar and stylistics: inter-relations among the various linguistic levels and analysis of different kinds of literary and non-literary texts.

Textbook Information

A. History of Italian language (5 CFU)


B. Italian Linguistics (4 CFU)



Reference texts for students who believe they have not completed the prerequisites for the discipline, and reference texts for students, for the purposes of the course activities:


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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