L-LIN/07 - 6 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The Course aims at the achievement of the linguistics and communicative competences at C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages both written and oral skills. It is meant to provide the students with the necessary tools for a discursive and contrastive analysis to understand authentic texts; to develop and consolidate the capacity of reformulation and the activation of adequate strategies in translation in the contexts analyzed; to develop the theoretical reflections in translation.

Course Structure

The course is divided into lectures, classroom exercise and written tests for the verification of learning.

Detailed Course Content

The Course comprises two modules that have as their guiding thread the translation from a contrastive prospective. The first will focus on textual, pragmatic and discourse analysis in order to deepen complex grammatical topics to correct any fossilized errors in the interlanguage. Particular attention will be paid to fundamental linguistic elements in the written expression.

The second module reconciles the contrastive study of the Spanish language in relation to the Italian one, both theoretical and practical and the analysis of the Italian versions from Spanish language texts.

Linguistic exercises carried out by mother tongue collaborators are an integral part of the course.

Textbook Information

- G. Zaragoza Ninet, J. J. Martínez Sierra, B. Cerezo Merchán, M. Richart Marset, Traducción, género y Censura en la literatura y en los medios de comunicación, Granada: Comares, 2018, pp. 265.

- M. Josefa Flores Requejo, Los marcadores discursivos en el español peninsular y sus equivalencias en italiano, vol. 1, Roma: Aracne, 2012, pp. 280.

- AA.VV., ¡Nuevo dominio! Curso de perfeccionamiento, nivel C1, Madrid: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, 2016 o (ultima edizione). 184 pp.

- M. de Prada, D. Salazar, C. M. Molero, Uso interactivo del vocabulario : y sus combinaciones mas frecuentes : niveles desde B2 hasta C2, Madrid: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia, (1° ed. 2012), 182 pp.


Materiale fornito dalla docente su Piattaforma Studium: 40 pp


- R. Arenas, Antes de que anochezca, Barcelona: Tusquets 1992.


Dictionaries (reference books):

- R. Arqués, A. Padoan: Il grande dizionario di Spagnolo, Zanichelli, 2012.

- Diccionario General de Lengua española, Madrid: Vox, 2009.


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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