L-LIN/03 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the conceptual and methodological knowledge that constitutes the indispensable basis for the study of French literature as a cultural heritage, but also as a place for the production of ideological, thematic and linguistic models active in the European context.

The specific purpose of the course is the acquisition of a competence relating to the recognition of the languages tested, in the time frame indicated from time to time, by some French writers in relation to the varying genres, the public, the intentions that guide writing and the historically determined situation in which this act of communication takes place.

Particular attention will therefore be given to the anthological or integral reading of the works and to the grammatical analysis of the text, from the metric-prosodic level to the lexical and morpho-syntactic level, with a focus on the recognition in the construction of the text of the isotopic series, of the global signification and of the dialectic between individuality and super-personal codes.

The quantity and quality of the chosen readings will therefore be an element of evaluation in the oral exam and students are thus advised to first submit the list of readings they intend to present to the attention of the teacher.

Course Structure

Blended: 1 CFU in-person lectures and 8 CFU on line

Detailed Course Content

A. FUNDAMENTALS of French Literature (XVI-XVII-XVIII s.) 8 ECTS

The socio-cultural context, the artistic and literary movements, the main authors and their works, relating to the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with an anthological choice of at least 50 passages and the reading in the original and integral version of the following 5 works (any complete edition in French):

Madame de la Fayette, Princesse de Clève

Racine, Phèdre

Molière, Les femmes savantes

Marivaux, La Nouvelle Colonie ou la Ligue des femmes

Denis Diderot, Jacques le Fataliste


B. Insights : écrivains des Lumières 1 ECTS

Montesquieu, Les lettres persanes (qualsiasi edizione)

Voltaire, L’Ingénu (qualsiasi edizione)

Textbook Information

History of Literature

P. Brunel, Histoire de la littérature française, t.1 : Du moyen Age au XVIIIe siècle, Bordas, Paris (pp. 77-88; 94-107; 111-153; 158-170; 174-190; 193-198; 200-202; 204-242; 244-268; 277-280; 289-300; 304-306; 309-311; 314-361; 363-370; 372-381).


Anthology of Literature

Littérature. Textes et documents, vol. I (MoyenAge et XVIe sec.) vol. II (XVIIe sec.) e vol. III (XVIIIe sec.), collection H. Mitterand, Paris, Nathan


Or, Unifyng the History of Literature and anthology

Lagarde-Michard, Les grands auteurs français du programme, vol. II (XVIe sec.), III (XVIIe sec.) e vol. IV (XVIIIe sec.), Bordas, Paris

Text analysis (for non attending students)

Catherine Fromilhague, Anne Sancier-Chateau, Introduction à l'analyse stylistique, Armand Colin, Collection: Lettres Sup. (or equivalent volume) 288.pp


Montesquieu, Les lettres persanes (any edition)

Voltaire, L’Ingénu (any edition)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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