To provide a critical knowledge of some fundamental issues regarding moral philosophy, within the context of modern thought and explored according to the relationship between science and faith, political and moral.
Lectures accompanied by analysis of readings and discussion of topics listed in the syllabus. Tutorials on a selection of topics.
Human condition and human behavior with particular focus to the relationship between science and faith in Blaise Pascal.
B. Pascal, Le provinciali, in Opere complete (French and Latin parallel text), Milano, Bompiani, 2020, pp. 961-990; 1032-1167; 1204-1221.
Idem, Opuscoli, in Opere complete, cit., pp. 1523-1526; 1529-1551; 1579-1587; 1591-1615; 1633-1639; 1643-1655; 1659-1664; 1667-1675.
Idem, Scritti sulla grazia, in Opere complete, cit., pp. 1679-1687.
Idem, Pensieri, in Opere complete, cit., pp. 2233-2252; 2278-2652.
M. V. Romeo, Pascal. Una politica cristiana, Roma, Studium, 2021, 150 p.
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