M-PSI/01 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims at providing the conceptual and method notions that are constitutive of the psychological sciences and cognitive neurosciences, with particular attention to the most recent scientific research. Particular attention will be given to sensory, perceptual, cognitive, emotional and motivational processes. At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the main research debates on the mind and brain and to reason in critical terms about the results of the research and the theories proposed for their interpretation.

Course Structure

Teaching and laboratory activities.

Detailed Course Content

The course is structured according to three specific modules:

A) From the origins of psychology to today (3 Credits);

B) Laboratory of artificial intelligence, neural networks and robotics (1 Credits);

C) Sensory, perceptive, cognitive, emotional and motivational cognitive processes (5 Credits).


- Module A (3 Credits):

The origins of psychology,

Structuralism and functionalism,

Reflexology and the historical-cultural school,

Gestalt psychology,


Freud and psychoanalysis,

Piaget and the Geneva school,

The cognitivist movement,

The psychology between cognitive science and biology,

The second decade of the century and the computer-network system.


- Module B (1 Credits):

Do artificial Neural Networks reproduce life?,

Reproducing life between phylogeny and ontogenesis,

Applications of robotics to the treatment of developmental disorders,

Improving the lives of the elderly through artificial agents,

The problem of the "acceptability" of the artificial.


- Module B (5 Credits):

The methods of psychology,

Neuroscience and behavior,

Sensation and perception,


The memory,


Emotion and motivation,

Language and thought,



The personality,

Stress and health.

Textbook Information

- Module A (3 Credits)

P. Legrenzi (eds.), Storia della psicologia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019, VI Edizione, (p. 9- 218).


- Module B (1 Credits)

S. Di Nuovo, A. Cangelosi (a cura di), Vita naturale, vita artificiale. Tecniche di simulazione e applicazioni educative e cliniche, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2015, (chapts.1 and 2 -p. 13-30– chapts. 6, 7, 8 - p. 77 - 116).


- Module C (5 Credits)

D. Schacter, D. Gilbert, M. Nock, D. Wegner. Psicologia Generale, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2018, (p. 29- 461).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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