L-LIN/01 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

For those who have already studied the fundamentals of linguistics, the Course aims at encouraging them to reflect on language change and conservation, providing them with concrete tools and methods of analysis. The reference to some case studies such as multilingualism in Sicily in medieval times will allow to introduce students into the research lab of the teacher and to show them a research in progress. The Course also aims to provide the background information needed to understand the development of the notions of ‘phrase’ and ‘sentence’ in the history of linguistic thought, with special regard to parsing.

Course Structure

Traditional and shared lessons and classroom application exercises.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into three modules:

  1. Linguistic change (2 ECTS).
  2. Linguistic change in Sicily (2 ECTS)
  3. Synchronic observation of the language: logical analysis (2 ECTS).

Textbook Information

A. Linguistic change (2 ECTS)



Useful tools for carrying out application exercises:


B. Linguistic change in Sicily (2 ECTS)


C. Synchronic observation of the language: logical analysis (2 CFU)


If necessary (for A “Linguistic change”):

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