L-FIL-LET/13 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The advent of digital technologies has had great impact on consolidated areas of tradition while representing, after the typographic revolution, a new twist on the modalities of creating and using texts. The aim of this course is to discuss the possibilities that technological innovations offer to writing, reading and interpretation practices. Through the proposal of some textual models of various kinds (literary, journalistic, etc.) and of different genres (narrative, deliberative, argumentative texts, etc.) the course aims to consolidate and enhance skills in writing, reading and critical analysis, paying particular attention:

1) to the most used coding models for online publication of texts;

2) to the processing of the digital texts through quantitative analysis softwares;

3) to the identification of lexically and semantically relevant elements in order to decode and rewrite texts;

4) to the digital tools and techniques for learning and teaching humanities in school and university;

5) to the hermeneutic value related to lexicography and concordances, connected to other methods of reading texts by IT.

This theoretical platform will be applied to the texts in a laboratory context through some study 'cases'.

Course Structure

Lectures; exercises and laboratory activities.

Detailed Course Content

A. Models for writing and reading texts. (3 ECTS)

From Gutenberg to the digital. The concept of author and authorship in times of the internet. Death of the author, the electronic word, and combinatorial literature. Models of text hermeneutics. From close reading to distant reading; computational hermeneutics. Epistemological issues and modeling and representation problems. Going throughout the text: concordances, indexes and frequency lists. Search and query functions. Digital methods for teaching.

B. Applications. (3 ECTS)

a. Short stories to be read through lexicographic instruments and concordances.

b. Narration and storytelling. 'Short' writings and readings.

Textbook Information


- Teoria e forme del testo digitale, a cura di M. Zaccarello, Roma, Carocci, 2019, capp. 1-3 e 6, pp. 33-70 e 95-114.

- F. Tomasi, Metodologie informatiche e discipline umanistiche, Roma, Carocci, 2008, cap. 5 (Ipertesti e ipermedia: progettazione e sviluppo), pp. 143-167);

- P. Italia, Editing Duemila. Per una filologia dei testi digitali, Roma, Salerno, 2020 (Il lettore Google; Autore, curatore, lettore; Strutture e forme), pp. 7-55

- G. Gigliozzi, Il testo e il computer. Manuale di informatica per gli studi letterari, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 1997, cap. IV (Applicazioni per

l’umanista. Come si fanno e come si usano), pp. 179-256;

- A. Lenci, S. Montemagni, V. Pirrelli, Testo e computer. Elementi di linguistica computazionale, Roma, Carocci, 2016 (Parole e numeri), pp. 123-152.

- G. Savoca, Lessicografia letteraria e metodo concordanziale, Firenze, Olschki, 2000, pp. 39-52.

- A. Sichera, La lecture concordantielle. Fenomenologia ed ermeneutica, in Ermeneutiche. Punti di vista sul confine, Euno edizioni, 2017/2019, pp. 89-103.

- F. De Cristofaro, I testi visti da lontano, in Il testo letterario. Generi, forme, questioni, a cura di E. Russo, Roma, Carocci, 2020, pp. 445-467.

- F. Ciotti, Modelli e metodi computazionali per la critica letteraria: lo stato dell'arte, in L’Italianistica oggi: ricerca e didattica, Atti del XIX Congresso dell’ADI - Associazione degli Italianisti (Roma, 9-12 settembre 2015), a cura di B. Alfonzetti, T. Cancro, V. Di Iasio, E. Pietrobon, Roma, Adi editore, 2017,, (pp. 12).

- P. Monella, Metodi digitali per l’insegnamento classico e umanistico, Milano, Educatt, 2020, pp. 149 (scaricabile gratuitamente



The following collections of novels;

- G. Verga, Novelle rusticane (available on;

- L. Pirandello, Scialle nero ( available on;

- P. Levi, Il sistema periodico (three novels to be chosen).


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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