Learning about the main tools to understand religious phenomena with particular focus on the historical-comparative methodology. Acquiring knowledge about early Christianism and the historical evolution “from more churches to one Church” (I-IV).
The course structure will be based on frontal lectures, but students will be expected to contribute actively to the discussion on the topic under consideration with questions and answers. The frontal teaching will be supported by power point slides and other tools.
All themes will be developed with sources and studies critical reading.
The material presented in class (PowerPoint slides, sources, essays) will be available for download at the Studium platform.
A. Early Christianity (3 ECTS)
- Issues pertaining to the history of religions and methodology.
- The problem of periodisation of Christianism from its origin.
- From Jesus to the Christianism.
- The Hostility: Pagan Intellectuals against Cristianity.
- The Persecutions: Decius; Valerian; Dioclezian.
- The turning point: Constantine the Great and Theodosius.
- Christian Theology and Christian Anthopology.
B. Issues of Contemporary Historiography (3 ECTS)
- In-depth analysis of contemporary historiography.
-The quest for the “historical Jesus” in Italy and abroad.
-The Gospels between religion, history and literature.
A. (3 ECTS)
- G. Jossa, Il cristianesimo antico: Dalle origini al concilio di Nicea, Roma, Carocci, 2006 (1a ed. 1997), pp. 224.
- E. Prinzivalli, Questioni di Storia del cristianesimo antico (I-IV sec.), Roma, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2010, pp. 5-111, 153-191.
B. (3 ECTS)
- C. Gianotto, E. Norelli, M-Pesce, L’enigma Gesù. Fonti e metodi della ricerca storica, a cura di E. Prinzivalli, Roma, Carocci, 2008, pp. 127.
- A. Destro, M. Pesce, Il Racconto e la Scrittura. Introduzione alla lettura dei Vangeli, Roma, Carocci, 2014, pp. 174.
- C. Augias, G. Filoramo, Il grande romanzo dei vangeli, Torino, Einaudi, 2020, pp. 270.
- Vangeli e narrazione, in Forme di romanzi dall’Antico alle soglie del Moderno, a cura di A. Pioletti, «Le forme e la storia», XIII, 2020, pp. 269-300.
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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.