L-FIL-LET/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Adopting principles and methods of text linguistics (textuality requirements; procedural approach; pragmatic competence), of rhetorics and stylistics, the course aims at offering conceptual and methodological tools in order to analyze and to interpret texts. The analysis will be proposed as a function of language teaching (will be conceived as a tool for teaching language according to new cognitive dynamics and to the complexity of the contemporary socio-cultural context) adapted to the new cognitive dynamics and the complexity of the contemporary socio-cultural context.

Specific objectives are:

- developing socio-professional skills aimed at transmitting an advanced competence of the grammatical, lexical and syntactic structures of the Italian language and of the most relevant written and oral uses;

- providing cultural and methodological coordinates for teaching Italian: historical and ethnocultural framework, sociolinguistic bases, grammatical models and textual dimension;

- enhancing a conscious metalinguistic competence, overcoming the automatisms in the study of grammar;

- introducing lithe but functional frames for the linguistic and rhetorical analysis of various textual typologies, in which the literary text maintains its fundamental role of raising awareness of the historical-linguistic value of tradition.

Course Structure

The approach adopted will be "experimental" and interactive in order to make the study of textual analysis a moment of exciting discovery of the extraordinary potential of language. Through a careful analysis of the linguistic materiality of the texts, students will be sensitized to practice an innovative didactics, rediscovering and therefore applying with full awareness those "rules" of Italian language that they have internalized in their linguistic experience, which it is now necessary to make explicit.

In introductory lessons and in seminar activities students will follow the construction of “discovery” paths that can be therefore re-used, on the basis of models and instruments of interpretation of texts based on linguistics and typology of texts, as well as on rhetorics and style.

Special attention will be given to didactic functionalization of textual analysis carried out by students, for future professional activity. Coordinates will be provided for building a learning unit on literary text.

Detailed Course Content

A.-B. Historical grammar and history of the language as a teaching aid to understand structural and cultural continuity between Latin and Italian on one hand, and Italian and other cultural languages on the other hand. Textual linguistics and rhetorics as verbal art and technique: models for text’s analysis, linguistics and texts typology , metrics, rhetorics, stylistics, philology.

C. Teaching Italian as a first or a second language: historical, sociolinguistic grammatical and textual perspectives.

Textbook Information

A. Language ideas and Text Linguistics (1 CFU).


- B. Migliorini, Storia della lingua italiana, Milano, Bompiani, 2016, cap. VII (pp. 241-279), cap. VIII (pp. 281-388) (totale pp. 146)

- M. Palermo, Linguistica testuale dell’italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013, Capp. IV-VII, pp. 75-258 (totale pp. 139)


B. Analysis of texts (3 CFU).


- O. Reboul, Introduzione alla retorica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 151 (pp. 29-153; pp. 183-210)

- L. Serianni, La lingua poetica italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2018, chap. 1-4, pp. 300.

- Analisi guidata di testi in poesia della tradizione letteraria italiana.


C. Teaching Italian language (1 CFU).


- S. Giusti, Insegnare con la letteratura, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2015, pp. 149.

- F. Delucchi, Il testo poetico nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri (

- Materials for teaching will be available on studium.unict.


For students who don’t have the prerequisites for studying the subject, or for the purposes of the activities foreseen by the course, it is advisable to consult:


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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