L-ANT/01 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide the students with the methodological and theoretical tools necessary for achieving an interpretation of archaeological data through a multidisciplinary approach, using the Mediterranean as a case study. Particular attention will be paid to Sicily, from its first colonization to the arrivals of the documented contacts with the Aegean, and to human mobility and technological transfer, focusing in particular on pottery technology.

75% of classes will be taught in English.

Course Structure


Detailed Course Content

The course is organised in three sections:

A: Formation and development of Mediterranean civilizations up to the beginning to the II millennium BC

B: Prehistory of Sicily

C: Human mobility and technological transfer in the Mediterranean during prehistory, with a special focus on pottery.

Textbook Information

- C. Broodbank, The Making of the Middle Sea. A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World, capitoli I-VII, pp. 15-344;

- R. Leighton, Sicily before history, Duckworth 1999

- S. Todaro, Tradizioni tecnologiche e identità culturale: la produzione ceramica nella Creta dell’Antica e Media età del Bronzo, in F. Carinci, P. Militello, O. Palio, Studi in onore di La Rosa, Padova, pp. 71-86,

- S. Todaro, Forming techniques and cultural identity in Early and Middle Minoan Crete: multi-layered vessels from a pottery production area at Phaistos, in ASAtene 95, (2017), pp. 129-143.

- S. Todaro, Prima del tornio. Un approccio sperimentale allo studio delle tecniche di foggiatura nel mediterraneo preistorico, Roma 2020.

(alternatives in English are available upon request)


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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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