To give the main concept on the basis of analysis and design of control systems with particular reference to feedback control systems.
Knowledge and understaning
Main topics are: Properties of feedback linear control systems; Design of controllers; Digital control; The course includes also laboratory exercise by using computer tools for the design and analysis of control systems.
Applying Knowledge and understaning
At the end of the course the student will know how to design and analyze single input single output linear feedback control systems.
The student will be able to analyze linear control systems single input-single output and to design analog and digital feedback control systems.
Making judgements
The student should be able to analyze automatic control systems and to distinguish their principal components and the control methods adopted.
Communication skills
Student have acquired the basic language skills of automation and should be able to communicate with technicians, specialised or not, as concern problem connected with automatic control systems.
Learning skills
The students must have acquired basic knowledge in order to continue their studies towards the application of automatic controls in transversal disciplines of engineering and towards the deepening of automation engineering studies.
The course is mainly done by lectures. Part of the course is by exercise by using personal computers and design software as MATLAB.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Basic concepts and background.
Main properites of feedback control systems
Design of the compensator
Digital control systems design
Laboratory exercises