SECS-P/13 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding :The framework of the course, designed in collaboration with teachers of other subjects in the area, aims at the acquisition of theoretical principles concerning voluntary certification management models which can be adopted by local companies, regardless of their size or production process. In particular, first of all the different types of environmental impact that a process can have in different sectors are analyzed, including water, air, and soil. Then the different instruments that companies can use to be able to minimize other impacts which exist throughout the supply chain, instruments of an economic, binding, and voluntary nature are presented.
Alongside the indispensable theoretical knowledge, duly formalized, the course also intends to offer adequate professional skills, both to deepen the topics covered from an operational point of view, and to complete the learning process, in order to also provide the knowledge required to apply the methods and techniques studied (know how to evaluate, compare, decide, act) appropriately in the world of work. To achieve these goals, appropriate equipment and teaching methods are also used during lectures, such as slides and case studies in public and private companies, product and services, etc.
Assessment is not only concentrated in the final phase of the course, during the oral examinations but during the entire teaching program a careful and continuous check of the understanding and the effective acquisition by students of the knowledge gradually transferred will be made, stimulating a fruitful and active participation.

2. Skills in applying knowledge and understanding: Special attention is also paid to the work of future graduates, who are called upon professionally to deal with the aforementioned problems , often in different transversal and interdisciplinary contexts . To this end, the teacher uses teaching methods which are generally aimed at the working skills ( the "know-how") of the analytical and conceptual tools offered during the teaching of the discipline. This aims at the development of the student’s critical skills towards the issues addressed in a continuous process of analysis - synthesis interaction, also by presenting in the lecture room appropriate real business cases, carried out in previous years. Basic theory and main operative applications of international reference regulations on volunteer management of individual environmental variables is given, as well as knowledge of international standards in the field of voluntary certification, voluntary certification process, analysis of benefits and costs, presentation of cases studies with practical implementation of the relevant legislation. The basic theoretical notions of micro-pollutants in different sectors are given , water, air and soil; learning about waste management techniques; the student is given a complete knowledge of international standards for voluntary certification, voluntary certification process, analysis of benefits and costs, present the different meanings of industrial symbiosis applied in different production processes on which our economy is based, presentation of case studies with practical implementation of the relevant legislation.

3. Making independent judgments : The development of critical skills in the context of the subjects taught is one of the main educational objectives of the course. A sound acquisition of theoretical knowledge and operational skills included in the teaching program is not sufficient to complete the student’s training, if this preparation is not accompanied by the acquisition of a thorough, independent, socially and morally responsible ability to critically assess, outline and resolve a problem. During the course, therefore, the student is also taught and motivated to search for sources of practical and easily recoverable information, to a critical analysis as to the reliability and significance of the information , for its appropriate and responsible use in actual operations.

4. Communication skills : The student is put in a position to relate and transfer to third parties, even non-specialists, information, analysis, judgments, projects and operational proposals regarding environmental issues, business and management with clarity, precision and mastery of expression and appropriate technical language, which the main working activities will lead them to face, also knowing how to explain their reasoning and assumptions. To this end, as well as an appropriate theoretical knowledge of the relevant voluntary regulations, it is essential to acquire a working knowledge of the legislative instruments available. The student is continually urged to relate their thoughts verbally and formally with appropriate reasoning and techniques, to draw up written documents, to prepare presentations, individually and in groups, to discuss what was presented in the classroom and to stimulate a fruitful interaction on a communicative level as well. The final test is a further chance for reflection and testing of the various communication skills the student has effectively acquired.

5. Learning skills: From the beginning of the lectures, students are given timely advice and encouragement to actively participate as much as possible in the entire educational process and to improve their self-study methods, so that they learn the subject more effectively , which has specific characteristics in terms of learning, through an appropriate inductive - deductive process. The lecturer continually checks, topic by topic, to see if the transmission of knowledge is taking place efficiently, when necessary revising teaching methods during the year , in order to better adapt the course to the concrete achievement of this important goal, taking into account the real classroom mix. In this context, assessment by means of a final exam is a natural and logical outcome of the learning process, which is constantly monitored and improved, also to avoid a traumatic approach to examinations.

Course Structure

oral lesson with slides; case study about sustainable firms; individual study at home; writtine examination at the end of each block, oral examination at the end of lessons

Detailed Course Content


Description of the programme. Module title: Main environmental impacts.
The evolution of environmental pollution concept from the chemical and economic point of view; air pollutants*, which include SOx, CO2, NO2, PM10; the quality of water resources, COD and BOD indices, eutrophication of waters; definition of waste; waste management techniques, including incineration, pyrolysis and landfills; soil pollution from agricultural causes; combustion; traditional energy sources; renewable energy sources, including wind, photovoltaic, biomass, hydroelectric power; the major conferences on the subject of pollution, from Kyoto to Paris; definition of circular economy; definition of industrial symbiosis; presentation of case studies applied to Sicilian companies.

Partial credits awarded : 3 CFU


Description of the programme. Module title: Sustainable Technologies
definition of circular economy; definition of industrial symbiosis; presentation of case studies applied to Sicilian companies.Definition of environmental policy; Environmental Performance Indicators; DPSIR Index; Environemental Accountability; Green Public Procurement; Life Cycle Assessment analysis with international standard 14040, LCCA, the Eco-label; Environmental Accounts of Local Government, Environmental trademarks; DAP; Water foot print, Carbon Foot print; certifications in green building, LEED, FSC .


Partial credits awarded: 3 CFU

Textbook Information


2. Allenby, Braden. "8 Industrial Ecology and Environmental Design." Philosophy, Technology, and the Environment 2 (2017): 143.

3. Roberta Salomone - Maria Teresa Clasadonte - Maria Proto - Andrea Raggi (A cura di ), Product-Oriented Environmental Management Systems (POEMS),, Springer, 2013;

4. A. Marra, 2002, L’etica aziendale come motore di progresso e successo. Modelli di organizzazione, gestione e controllo: verso la responsabilità sociale delle imprese, Franco Angeli;

5.Socolow, Robert H. "Scale, Awareness and Conscience: The Moral Terrain of Ecological Vulnerability." New Dimensions in Bioethics. Springer US, 2001. 65-78.

6. Clasadonte M T, Giacchi L, Matarazzo A (2012). Indicatori di sostenibilità ambientale per il miglioramento dei servizi turisticio Indagine sulla città di Siracusa, Roma:ARACNE editrice S.r.l.;

7. CLASADONTE M, MATARAZZO A, SABBIA A, BRUNO B.V (2005). Linee guida di contabilità ambientale degli enti territoriali. Il Comune di Catania, CATANIA:Tipolito Gullotta;

8. Spirn, Anne Whiston. "Ecological Urbanism: A Framework for the Design of Resilient Cities (2014)." The Ecological Design and Planning Reader. Island Press/Center for Resource Economics, 2014. 557-571.

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