1. Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students with the cognitive tools needed to understand the existence of an international debate on accounting harmonization as an essential condition for the comparability of financial statements, so to perceive the importance of linking national and international accounting rules. To this end, the student will have the opportunity to learn about and analyze the main standard setters and stakeholders interested in this harmonization process, as well as to represent the management facts and understand the meaning and logics of the main drafting principles and evaluation criteria used both in the national and the international arena.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
The knowledge acquired during the course will lay the foundations for developing technical and accounting skills and competences in the student, both at national and international level. Each student will be involved and stimulated to face the classroom exercises, in which he will be able to verify the degree of understanding and application of the acquired knowledge. The application skills will be expanded with the development of practical cases aimed at analyzing financial statements prepared in accordance with the italian accounting standards OIC and the international accounting standards IAS / IFRS.
3. Making judgements
The learning process in "Principi contabili" will allow each student to develop an autonomy of judgment, especially regarding the differences existing between the different approaches used in the European continental (especially Italian) and Anglo-Saxon traditions. In particular, the student will be able to appreciate the significant deviations generated by the application of different valuation criteria and the different information function of the financial statements in the analyzed accounting systems.
4. Communication skills
Based on the acquired knowledge, each student will be able to develop communication and relational skills. He will be able to carry out accounting valuations and, therefore, to possess cognitive requirements that will facilitate the transfer of concepts and technical contents, the communication and the exchange of reasonings and reflections, essential skills that will surely be able to exploit in the job positions that in the future will be covered.
Frontal lessons with slides, including discussions, exercitations, financial statements analysis, case studies
1. The international accounting armonization process
2. Standard setters structure and working procedures
3. The IASB Framework
4. Financial report objectives and principles
5. Financial report documents
6. Tangible and intangible assets
7. Inventories
8. Receivables, cash and cash equivalent
9. Liabilities
10. Income taxes
11. Net assets
12. Revenues
13. Consolidated financial report
14. Rules and accounting standards for small and medium-sized entities
1. SÒSTERO U. - SANTESSO E., I principi contabili per il bilancio d'esercizio. Analisi e interpretazione delle norme civilistiche, EGEA, 2th edition, Milan 2018.
2. VV.AA., Il bilancio secondo i principi contabili internazionali IAS/IFRS. Regole e applicazioni, G. Giappichelli Editore, 4th edition, Turin 2016.
3. CORDAZZO M. - BIANCHI S., Il nuovo bilancio dopo l'applicazione del D.Lgs. 139/2015. Implicazioni teoriche ed evidenze empiriche, FrancoAngeli, Milan 2018.