SECS-P/03 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is held through traditional teaching tools with lectures, carried out with the support of slides and supplementary teaching material that is made available to students through the Studium on-line platform. In order to consolidate the understanding of the topics covered and the analytical skills of the students, during the planned lectures, some classroom exercises will be held by the teacher.

Knowledge and understanding: students will acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of the role that the State plays in modern market economies by means of financial tools and the definition of the game’s rules that all members of the society have to respect as far as their economic behaviour is concerned. Common to the extensive set of knowledge and skills acquired during the course is the possibility for the student to develop the understanding of the multiple aspects that distinguish the State’s decisional process with regard to allocation, stabilization and redistribution functions.

Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be able to properly evaluate the problems regarding the State’s presence in an economic system where different subjects, either public or private for-profit or private not-for-profit, interact.

Making judgements: students will acquire the ability to employ the economic approach to formulate their personal opinion, critical and freestanding, on those aspects that concern the State’s presence in a complex economic system, where subjects are expected to act in their own self-interest.

Communication skills: students will be able to communicate, in a clear and unambiguous way, to either experts or non-experts, their opinion concerning the State’s role in the modern economic systems, also through written works, diagrams and graphs, employing the existing information technologies for the presentation, acquisition and exchange of knowledge. Evaluation of the communication skills, in a concise and/or analytic form, will take place formally during the written exam, leaving the possibility to evaluate students’ communication skills also through interactive interventions during the in-class lectures.

Learning skills: students will acquire a high learning capacity that will allow them to be autonomous in the management of their professional updating process concerning the evaluation of the activities that the State has to undertake in an economic system, through both budget management and regulation. This type of knowledge is nowadays of increasing importance, mainly because of the debate on the best way to implement privatization policies.

Course Structure

The course includes lectures, carried out with the support of slides and supplementary teaching material that is made available to students through the Studium on-line platform. In order to consolidate the understanding of the topics and the analytical skills of the students, during the planned lectures, some classroom exercises will be done. Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

The first part of the course program is dedicated to the study of the general principles of the State’s intervention in the modern market economies. The program goes on with the theory of government revenues, paying special attention to the distortive effects of taxes. The fundamentals of the financial decentralization are also considered. The program ends with the analysis of the reasons for reducing the State’s intervention within the economic system. The course consists of 20 lectures, each lasting 2 hours.

Textbook Information

1. Balestrino A., Galli E., Spataro L., (2015) Scienza delle Finanze, UTET, Torino


2. Balestrino A., Galli E., Spataro L., (2019) Scienza delle Finanze, UTET, Torino

IF THE 2019 EDITION IS ADOPTED, THE FOLLOWING PAGES MUST BE STUDIED: FROM P. 5 to 49; FROM P. 73 to 91 (EXCEPT FOR SECTION 1.4.4); FROM P. 112 to 125; FROM P. 129 to 144; FROM P. 287 A 361; FROM P. 366 A 391.

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