INF/01 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course is thought as an introduction to Audio Processing through lectures about Acoustic, Psychoacoustics, Audio Digitalization, Audio Compression, Audio Formats, and useful Audio Libraries for coding oriented to audio signal processing.
During the course, insights will be given about additional topics like noise thresholds in workplace, Shannon’s impact on the subject, or the ffmpeg tool for audio/video stream management.
Finally, relying on the positive experience gathered in the previous years of the course, additional topics will be presented as seminars by peer-students supervised by the professor.

General learning objectives in terms of expected learning outcomes.

  1. Knowledge and understanding: The purpose of the course is to acquire knowledge that will enable the student to understand the theoretical and physical mechanisms underlying the human auditory system, the formation and processing of sound and audio signals, the improvement of the quality of audio signals.
  2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the skills needed to acquire, edit, compress, and save an audio signal. Particularly a part of the course will be related to an overview of specific software to apply such theoretical knowledge.
  3. Making judgments: Through examples in the classroom, the student will be put into the condition of understanding whether the solutions offered by him meet a certain degree of quality.
  4. Communication skills: The student will acquire the necessary communication skills and technical language skills in the computer music field.
  5. Learning Skills: The aim of the course is to provide the student with the necessary theoretical and practical methodologies to deal with and solve new problems that arise during a work activity. To this end, several topics will be addressed in lesson by involving the student in the search for possible solutions to real problems.

Course Structure

Classroom lessons

Self-assessment tests

Laboratory lessons

Seminars by peer-students

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

  1. Lombardo, V., & Valle, A. (2014). Audio e Multimedia (IV ed.) Apogeo.
  2. For international students: Kirk, R. & Hunt, A. (1999). Digital Sound Processing for Music and Multimedia Focal Press.
  3. Tarabella, L. (2014). Musica Informatica Apogeo.
  4. Rocchesso, D. (2003). Sound Processing

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