ING-INF/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

All the enterprise software systems and successful applications that we have today are wide-area distributed architecture which features a large quantity of data and codebase. This course aims to systematically present the main topics related to the design of these systems and to provide basic information on the related technologies

In this rapidly changing scenario, the main objective is to help the students improve their skills to apply the fundamental algorithms and patterns to design large scale complex solutions.

Knowledge and Understanding

Today there are many different continuously evolving solutions thanks to the research enterprise’s effort to meet the requirements of an ever-growing customer base. Thus, the goal is to give the students not only tools to meet today’s needs in the work environment but also to deal with the emerging challenges in the area of distributed software architecture maturing their abilities to adapt to novel solutions and technologies.

Among the main topics of the course:

Applied knowledge and Understanding

The intent of the course is to push the students to design software solutions and to improve their ability to autonomously engage in the design, development, and deployment, individually or in teams, of today’s real-world large distributed software architecture. The course uses practical activities and homework to achieve:

Course Structure

Lessons ex-catedra and laboratory activities.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

for technologies and freamworks you can refer to the websites (as it will be during the course)

other textbooks you can consult

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