ICAR/07 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on the static and dynamic behaviour of soils, necessary for using the main design software. The main constitutive models implemented and implementable in FEM, FDM, etc., softwares, are illustrated. Advanced static and dynamic laboratory tests are discussed. The following other topics are dealt with: propagation of waves in the subsoil, modification of the seismic signal from the rocky base to the surface of the ground; modification of the seismic signal due to the foundation-soil kinematic interaction; influence of the deformability and dissipative capacity of the foundation-soil system on the inertial response of the structure; dynamic liquefaction phenomenon.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons through PowerPoint presentations. Seminars in collaboration with geotechnical companies and/or engineers, teachers from other national and international universities. Exercises in the classroom.

A technical visit to a construction site in Sicily is planned to increase the student's knowledge of the topics discussed in the classroom and bring the student closer to the world of work and practice.

Suppose the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way. In that case, the necessary changes may be introduced to the previously stated program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content


Set of equations for solving any geotechnical problems in static and dynamic conditions. Laboratory tests in static conditions and evaluation of the main parameters to be used in the most important constitutive models. Failure criteria.Traditional and advanced constitutive models for numerical analyses in static conditions. Static liquefaction.

Seismic motion. Local site response. Seismic microzonation. Laboratory tests in dynamic conditions. Traditional and advanced constitutive models for numerical analyses in dynamic conditions. Dynamic liquefaction.

Textbook Information

  1. A. Burghignoli (2018). "Meccanica delle Terre". Hevelius Edizioni, Benevento.
  2. T. Crespellani, J. Facciorusso (2010). "Dinamica dei terreni". Dario Flaccovio Editore.
  3. S.J. Kramer (1996). “Geotechnical Earthquake Enginnering”. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.5.
  4. G. Lanzo, F. Silvestri (1999). "Risposta sismica locale". Hevelius, Italy.
  5. R. Nova (2002). “Fondamenti di meccanica delle terre”. McGraw-Hill, Milano, Italy.
  6. D. Muir Wood (2004). “Geotechnical modelling”. E & FN Spon.

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