GEO/03 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and skills for understanding the active tectonics in relation to volcanic activity and geodynamic processes. Ability to recognize the main structures of a volcanic complex in relation to its tectonic domain. Mode of deformation related to volcanic areas. Selection and use of methods of multidisciplinary investigation for the recognition of recent and active volcanic-tectonic deformations and for the analysis of structures in volcanic areas.

Course Structure

42 hours (6 CFU) teacher-led discussion

If the teaching is given in mixed mode or telematic mode, the necessary variations can be introduced with respect to what was previously reported, in order to respect the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

This course combine results frackture mechanics, rock mechanics structural geology, hydrology, and fluid transport in the crust to explore and explain fracture processes and fluid transport in the volcanic areas. Basic concept are developed for first principles and are illustrated with numerous worked examplesthat link models of volcano tectonics processes to real field observations and measurements.

Textbook Information

Rock Fractures in Geological Processes. Agust Gudmundsson Cambridge Univeristy Press

Volcanotectonics: Understanding the Structure, Deformation and Dynamics of Volcanoes. Agust Gudmundsson Cambridge Univeristy Press

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