MAT/05 - 9 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowing how to construct and understand mathematical models that describe qualitatively and quantitatively some phenomena related to the environment. Knowing how to use the main concepts of differential equation theory for application in the biological, geological and environmental fields. Knowing how to predict and justify the evolution of simple phenomena, described by ordinary differential equations, related to the biological, geological and environmental sciences.

In particular, the learning objectives of the course, according to the Dublin descriptors, are:

Detailed Course Content

  1. Mathematical background. Numerical sets. Functions. Topology in R. Limits and continuity of real functions of one real variable. Summary of Differential Calculus and applications. Summary of Integral Calculus and applications.
  2. Elements of Statistics, Combinatorics and Discrete Probability. Data representations. Mean, median and fashion. Variance. Line of least squares. Interpolation techniques. Arrangements, permutations and combinations (simple and with repetition). Events and frequency. Classical and frequentist probability. Conditional probability. Stochastic dependence and compound probability. Bayes formula. Diagnostic texts.
  3. Ordinary differential equations. Differential equations and physical models: definitions and terminology. First-order differential equations: separable differential equations and linear differential equations. Second-order differential equations.
  4. Models in population dynamics. Malthus model and its generalizations. Verhulst models and its generalizations. Stability of the equilibrium solutions of Malthus and Verhulst models.
  5. Models for environmental systems. Model for the evaluation of the quality of the green in the absence of residences. Model for the evaluation of the quality of green areas with residences. Model for the evaluation of biological energy production and diffusivity in an environmental system: introduction, ecological graph model, calculation of parameters, construction of the model and analysis.
  6. Deterministic Models in Epidemiology. Epidemic SI model (construction and analysis), endemic Si model (construction and analysis), epidemic SIS model (construction and analysis), endemic SIS model (construction and analysis), epidemic SIR model (construction), endemic SIR model (construction), SEIR model (without details), MSEIR model (without details).

Textbook Information

  1. N. Hritonenko, Y. Yatsenko - Mathematical Modeling in Economics, Ecology and the Environment. Second edition – Springer (2013).
  2. Lecture notes.

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