BIO/16 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Provide the basis for understanding the structural organization of the human body, from the macroscopic to microscopic level and topographical relationships between the structures.

Course Structure

Lectures and theoretical-practical exercises on anatomical models.

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

General Principles of the human body arrangement and Anatomical Terminology. Concept of organ, apparatus and system. Survey methods: macroscopic, microscopic and ultramicroscopic examination.

LOCOMOTOR APPARATUS: skeleton and the structural organization of the bones; Overview on bones, joints and skeletal muscles

CARDIO-VASCULAR SYSTEM: The organization of the circulatory system: the heart and its cavities, the valves and the structure of its wall; pericardium; blood vessels and their structure; major vessels of the arterial and venous circulation. Lymphatic system: the lymph vessels and lymph nodes, lymph circulatory system. IMMUNE SYSTEM: bone marrow; thymus; spleen; lymph nodes.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: General organization of the digestive system; structure and function of organs of the alimentary canal, of the salivary glands, liver and pancreas; peritoneum.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Structure and function of the airways and lungs. The pleura.

URINARY SYSTEM: kidney’s macro- and microscopic; the organization of the urinary tract.

MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: General organization; testis; sperm ducts; the glands of the genitourinary male; the external genitalia. FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM: The ovary; Oviduct; Uterus; Vagina.

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: General organization; Pituitary; Epiphysis; Thyroid; Parathyroid; Adrenal Glands Endocrine pancreas.

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Spinal cord; Organization of the gray and white matter of the spinal cord; organization of the matter of the spinal cord; Brainstem; Cerebellum; Diencephalon; Telencephalon; The meninges; cerebrospinal fluid circulation; vascular supply to brain.

PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: the spinal nerves and the cranial nerves; arrangement of autonomic nervous system.

receptors and special senses organs: sensory receptors; taste, smell, eye, ear and vestibular system.

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: cutaneous membrane, hair follicles, nails and sweat glands.

Textbook Information


  1. Anatomia Umana, Fondamenti. Barbatelli G. Edi-ermes.
  2. Anatomia Umana. Martini FH. Edises.


  1. Sobotta – Atlante Anatomia descrittiva
  2. Netter – Atlante di Anatomia Umana

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