Definition, basic concepts and tasks of Hygiene. Natural history of disease. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The role of Health Education in health advocacy.
Elements of Epidemiology: definition, characteristics and purposes.
Sources and reservoirs of infection; routes of entry and elimination of pathogens; transmission mode (direct and through vehicles and vectors); diffusion rates of infectious diseases (diseases sporadic, endemic, epidemic and pandemic).
General prophylaxis: direct prophylaxis (notification, epidemiological investigation, diagnostic investigation, isolation and absence, health surveillance, sterilization, disinfection)
Specific prophylaxis: vaccine prophylaxis. Serum and Immunoglobulin prophylaxis. Chemoprophylaxis.
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases in relation to the transmission mode.
Epidemiology and general prevention of non-infectious diseases: causes and risk factors. Genetic risk factors, environmental (biological, physical, chemical), behavioral (dietary habits, smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, physical inactivity). Modification of lifestyle. Secondary prevention (early detection through screening).
The environment and its factors; relationships with health. Environmental pollution; bioavailability and biological amplification. Chemical hazards, the main pathological effects.
Atmospheric air. Definition. Physiological importance of the air. Physical and chemical characteristics.
Effects of atmospheric change on human health, its physical and chemical characteristics. Air pollution (main sources of contamination, natural and man-made contaminants, primary and secondary, corpuscular and gaseous air pollution climate and weather conditions). Harmful effects of air pollution on the environment (climate, vegetation, animal materials) and humans: the immediate or short-term; distance or long term. Air pollution control.
Microclimate. Physical and chemical characteristics. Air intramural and environmental well-being. Thermoregulatory mechanisms. The indices of well-being. Pollution "indoor".
Water intended for human consumption. General. Sources of supply. The water needs. Potability requirements (safety, purity, pleasantness, usability). Criteria to judge the potability. Correction of the organoleptic, chemical character, character bacteriological.
Noise. Noise characteristics. Health effects. Prevention of noise pollution. Italian legislation.
Radiation. Ionizing radiation. Radon. Non-ionizing radiation. Biological effects of electromagnetic fields.
Liquid waste. Definition, types of waste and their quantitative characteristics. Removal and disposal of municipal wastewater. Primary treatment, secondary, tertiary, sludge treatment.
Solid waste. Definition, classification. Collection, removal and disposal (landfill, incineration, composting).