ICAR/14 - 12 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The course provides the student's preparation to the themes that deal with the architectural design as an essential component of urban regeneration "old towns" and the city.

It provides contemporary design in the consolidated city. The design simulation through interventions of small size and quantifiable, relevant daily living, work and mainly living.

A preliminary acquisition of elementary knowledge, experience and experiments matured in recent decades, will help to define a project conscious of the relationship between pre-existing and new, between the block and the neighborhood and the city; In which the new can become a measuring element of the context


have demonstrated knowledge and understanding that is founded upon and extends and/or enhances that typically associated with the first cycle, and that provides a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often within a research context;

Course Structure

frontal lectures and classroom exercises on specific themes of the architectural project

Detailed Course Content

the course offers an analytical study of some projects and works of architecture.
It allows you to understand the complex design process through the analysis of some "principles of composition"; principles understood as processes to assimilate and not to repeat such acts, as established design practices.

The student is thus initiated the study of some emblematic buildings, mainly of relevance disciplinary buildings for their historical-architectural nature, morphological, environmental and compositional and technical.

To this end they are required design processing which involve the realization of three-dimensional models study, of cardboard or similar material, of appropriate dimensions and scales; models are simulation or the translation of spatial invention.

Textbook Information


Il docente fornirà, inoltre, il materiale documentario di alcune architetture emblematiche e dei casi studio. Il web potrà fornire una immediata consultazione delle opere assegnate.

Letture consigliate

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