The course will provide to student the necessary skills for a full comprehension of the structural complexity of the human body and the relationship occurring between morphology and function. The aim of the microscopic anatomy course is to provide the knowledge regarding the microscopic structure of organs and the skills to carry out the structural differential analysis between them.The course will also provide basic notions on regenerative medicine and in particular regarding tissue engineering and techniques for organoids preparation
The ELEMENTS OF EMBRYOLOGY module purpose is to provide students with appropriate skills on the processes of histogenesis and human embryology, with a detailed description of human prenatal development in the various stages of development, from the zygote (fertilization) to the embryo (embryogenesis) up to IV week of development and on the fundamental aspects of the tissues of the human body.
Lectures and laboratory exercises. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
Lectures and exercises. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.
The lectures will provide notions of microscopic anatomy of the following organs:
In addition, the course will provide basic notions on methods to organ processing for microscopic analysis. Some topics of regenerative medicine will also be discussed such as tissue engineering techniques and organoids preparation
During the laboratory exercises, students will assist to preparation of various organs section on slide and will perform the differential analysis among them through optical or fluorescence microscopy analisys
The course develops the knowledge of the different cell types and their organization in the various constituent tissues of the human body, therefore skills on the morphological and microscopic structure of the tissues in the different components. Furthermore, the aim of the course is to provide the student with a general knowledge of human embryology with a detailed description of human prenatal development in the various stages of development, from the zygote (fertilization) to the embryo (embryogenesis) to the fetus (organogenesis) up to birth. , with reference to the related control and regulation mechanisms. For more details on the contents, see PROGRAMMING
Conconi e Rumio Principi di Anatomia Microscopica con cenni di Istologia e Anatomia Macroscopica Editore EdiSES
Morroni Anatomia Microscopica Atlante Editore edi-ermes
Esposito Anatomia Microscopica con note funzionali e cliniche Editore EdiSES
Anatomia microscopica e diagnosi differenziale d’organo EDISES (da ordinare)
1. Moore, Persaud, Torchia - Lo sviluppo prenatale dell’uomo, 9° ed.- edra
2. V. Monesi - ISTOLOGIA 6° ediz.- Piccin
3. ADAMO, N. BERNARDINI, C. BOITANI,.... E. ZIPARO - Elementi di Istologia e cenni di1. Embriologia – Piccin