BIO/09 - 6 CFU - 1° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with the principles inherent in homeostasis and the functioning of the animal cell including some interaction mechanisms with the interstice and with other cells. The molecular changes implemented by cells that elude the basic rules of cellular behavior are also examined. Finally, the general organizational principles underlying the physiological functions and their integration are analyzed.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons. If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes with respect to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

Module A (2 CFU)
Basic (1 CFU) 7 hours

- Introduction to the study of cell physiology.
- The basic cellular processes
- Intercellular communication
- Homeostasis and regulation
- Hormonal control
Special (1 CFU) 7 hours
- Preclinical models in biomedical research
- Cancer cells: when cells evade the basic rules of physiological behavior
- Regenerative medicine

Module B (3 CFU)
Basic (2 CFU) 14 hours

- Neurons: cellular properties and nervous network
- Neurotransmission
- Systematic receptors and functions
- Channel receptors and G protein coupled receptors
Special (1 CFU) 7 hours
- Neurodegeneration and Neuroprotection
- Stamina cells
- Application of cell therapy

Laboratory (1 CFU)
- Laboratory activities

Textbook Information

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