The main objectives of the course are the definition of the concept of autonomy in the activities of daily life (ADL and IADL) in the domestic enviroment, school, work and social environment and the aids and methodologies to promote it in rehabilitation, in various pathological conditions.
Lectures with presentation of clinical cases. Possible use of audiovisual media.
Occupational therapy and ADL (Hygiene, dressing and nutrition)
Occupational therapy and IADL (instrumental activities of daily life)
Occupational therapy, hobbies and free time
Occupational therapy in the workplace and school
Occupational therapy in the social context
Aids and assistive technology for autonomy
Occupational Hand Therapy
The rehabilitation of walking
Caracciolo - Redaelli - Valsecchi, "Terapia occupazionale: ausili e metodologie per l'autonomia", Raffaello Cortina Editore
Imbriani - Bazzini - Franchignoni, "Argomenti di Terapia Occupazionale" Volume 1 e 2, Aracne Editrice
Willard & Spackman “Terapia Occupazionale”, Antonio Delfino Ed.