MED/28 - 4 CFU - 2° Semester

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Detailed Course Content

Determination of tooth shade The color and morphology of the teeth Opacity, transparency, translucency, fluorescence, opalescence, metamerism Whitening techniques of vital and no vital teeth Reconstruction of teeth bleached after root canal therapy Combined conservative - periodontal treatment of class V lesions (abrasion, erosion, caries) Pulp and parapulpal posts. Endodontic posts: ideal requirements and clinical realibility Adhesive reconstruction of prosthetic stump by fiber posts Pre-prosthetic restorations. Reconstruction of endodontically treated molars Gold and ceramic inlays Preparations for inlays and onlays CAD / CAM Methods. Ceramics in restorative dentistry

Textbook Information

- A. Cerutti, F. Mangani, A. Putignano: Odontoiatria Estetica Adesiva. Didattica multimediale. Quintessenza Edizioni, Rho (MI).
- L. Vanini, F. Mangani, O. Klimovskaia: Il restauro conservativo dei denti anteriori. ACME Edizioni, Viterbo.
- R. Grandini, S. Rengo, L. Strohmenger: Odontoiatria restaurativa. Ed. UTET, Torino.
- G. Anderlini: Moderni orientamenti per la restaurazione dentale. Edizioni Martina, Bologna.
- B. Touati, P. Miara, D. Nathanson: Estetica dentale & Restauri in ceramica. Masson Editore, Milano.
- G. Gürel: La scienza e l’arte delle faccette in ceramica. Quintessenza Edizioni, Rho (MI).
- O. Fejerskov, E.A.M. Kidd: Carie dentali. Malattia e trattamento clinico. Antonio Delfino Editore, Roma.
- F. Brenna: Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Procedure di trattamento e prospettive future. Elsevier Editore, Milano

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