The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge on the knowledge of macroscopic, microscopic and topographical anatomy of the main systems and systems of the human body.
The course aims to provide students with a general understanding of Human Anatomy and its methods of investigation. Subdivision of the human body in its various parts and its cavities; orientation of organs in space and symmetry planes; terms of position and movement. Concept of organ and apparatus.
The aim of this course is to make the human body known in its entirety, from the cellular / histological bases of microscopic anatomy to the macroscopic surface anatomy.
The aim of the course is that students acquire knowledge and understand the structural organization of the human body, from the macroscopic to the microscopic level and the topographical relationships between the structures, correlating them with the anatomical structure and function, so as to provide a rational basis on which to base one's own practical activity and preparation for the disciplines associated with it, such as for example physiology, pathological anatomy, internal medicine, general surgery, pharmacology and theories of human movement.
Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to provide the basic knowledge to understand the organization of the human body and the anatomical terminology. The concepts of organ, apparatus and system are deepened and the principal methods of investigation, macroscopic, microscopic and ultramicroscopic examination, are explained
Frontal teaching as principal teaching method with practical theoretical exercises on animal organs, didactic laboratory exercises with plastic models and virtual exercises with the Anatomage (virtual dissection table).
Principles of general anatomy. Construction criteria of the human body: external forms and surface anatomy. General notions on the apparatus locomotor system. Systematic fundamental anatomy of skeletal segments, of the joints and muscles with elements of topographical anatomy, of biomechanics, of radiological and functional anatomy.
1. General: anatomical terms, axes and planes of the human body, hollow organs and full organs, notions of Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (*)
2. Generalities of the Tegumentary apparatus (*)
3. Locomotive system (*)
Skeletal system
Generalities on the axile and appendicular skeleton; shape of the bones.
Overview and classification of joints: synartrosis and diarthrosis.
Skeleton of the head:
Neurocranium and splancnocranium.
Skeleton of the trunk:
spine, related joints; ribs and sternum, cost-vertebral and chondro-sternal joints; the chest as a whole.
Skeleton of the limbs:
scapula and clavicle and related joints; humerus and scapulohumeral joint;
radius, ulna, elbow joint, distal radio-ulnar joint;
skeleton of the hand and related joints;
Hip bone, pelvis as a whole;
femur, coxo-femoral joint;
tibia, fibula, patella, knee joint, tibio-fibular joint;
skeleton of the foot and its joints.
Muscle system
Generalities on the muscles, tendons and aponeuroses, fascias, mucous bags.
Furious muscles of the head and neck.
Skeletal muscles:
generality of the muscles of the head;
neck muscles;
chest muscles: thoraco-appendicular and intrinsic of the thorax, muscle diaphragm;
back muscles: spino-appendiculars and generalities on spinal-rib and spinal-dorsal muscles;
muscles of the abdomen: anterolateral and dorsal abdominal muscles;
muscles of the upper limb: muscles of the shoulder, arm, forearm, hand;
lower limb muscles: muscles of the hip, thigh, leg and foot.
4. Cardiovascular system (*)
General information on the blood and lymphatic system.
Heart: external and internal morphology, relationships, structure, fibrous skeleton of the heart, musculature of the atria and ventricles, apparatus of conduction of cardiac excitations; vessels and nerves of the heart.
General information on organs and hematopoietic tissues: bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and thymus.
Arteries of the small circulation: pulmonary arteries.
Veins of the small circulation: pulmonary veins.
Arteries of the general circulation: aorta artery and its segments; branches of the aorta.
Veins of the general circulation: veins of the heart; system of the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava; azigos vein system.
Chemistry of life
Atoms and chemical bonds. Molecules. Water: characteristics, colloids and suspensions. Salts and buffer systems. Carbohydrates. Proteins. Lipids.
The cell and its principal components. Morphology and role of cytoplasmic membrane, nucleus and cytoplasmic organs.
Covering epithelium and glandular epithelium. Classification of exocrine and endocrine glands. Connective tissue: cells, fibres and amorphous fundamental substance. Classification of connective tissues. Blood and its components: plasma and figurative elements. Muscular tissue: histological characteristics of smooth muscle, striated and cardiac skeletal muscle. Nervous system: neurons, nervous fibres and synapses. Neuroglia. Structure of solid and non-solid organ.
Tegumentary apparatus:
The skin and its annexes. Structure of the epidermis.
Skeletal apparatus
Classification of the bones and macroscopic description of the bones of the head (neurocranium and splancnocranium), the trunk (vertebral column and rib cage), upper limb (shoulder girdle, arm, forearm and hand), lower limb (pelvis, thigh, leg and foot). The joints: classification of synarthroses, amphiarthroses and diarthroses. Morphology and function of the most important joints of trunk and limbs.
Muscular apparatus
Constitution of muscle, muscle belly, tendons, aponeuroses. Different kinds of muscles. Cutaneous and skeletal muscles. Insertion and functional role of the major muscle groups of trunk and limbs.
Vascular apparatus
Heart and blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins). Systemic loop and pulmonary loop. Gross anatomy of heart, pericardium and mediastinum. Anatomical conformation of atria and ventricles. The valves of the heart. The electrical conduction system of the heart. Microscopic organization of epicardium, myocardium and pericardium. The major arteries: pulmonary artery and aorta. Branches of ascending aorta, aortic arch, thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta. Microscopic organization of the artery wall. The main veins: the superior and inferior vena cava, the cardiac veins and the portal system of veins. Microscopic organization of the vein wall. Structure of the capillaries. Fetal circulation and role of the placenta.
Lynphatic apparatus
Formation of lymph and course of the lymphatic vessels. The thoracic duct and its tributaries. The haematopoietic organs: marrow, spleen, lymph nodes and thymus.
Digestive apparatus
General considerations and organs that belong to it. The mouth with the teeth and the tongue. The salivary glands: parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual. The pharynx. The esophagus. The stomach. The small intestine and the large intestine. Structural features of the alimentary canal walls (mucous, submucous, muscular, serosa or adventitia layers). The glands of the digestive system: liver and biliary ducts, pancreas. The peritoneum.
Respiratory apparatus
General considerations. The nasal cavities. The larynx. The tracheo-bronchial tree. The lungs. Structural features of the walls of the respiratory tract and of the lung. Pleural serosa.
Urinary apparatus
General considerations on its organs. The kidney: macroscopic description, structure of the parenchyma (medullary substance and cortical substance), the nephron. The renal escretory ducts: calices, pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra. Structural features of the walls of the renal escretory ducts.
Genital apparatus
The male genital organs: the testis and the spermatic ducts. The female genital organs: the ovary, the uterin tube, the uterus and the vagina.
Endocrine system
General considerations and structural features of the endocrine glands. The hypophysis. The pineal gland. The thyroid. The Parathyroids. The suprarenal glands. The endocrine activity of the gonads. The islets of Langerhans.
Central nervous system
General considerations on the parts of the cerebrospinal axis. Nevrax cavities. The meninges. The spinal cord: general features, structure, sensitive nuclei and motor nuclei, ascending and descending nerve fibres. Functional considerations on the spinal cord fascicles. The rhombencephalon: general features, structure, sensitive nuclei of medulla oblongata and pons. The cerebellum: external morphology, cyto- and myeloarchitectonics. Cerebellar functions. The mesencephalon: general features, cerebral peduncles and corpora quadrigemina. The diencephalon: epithalamus, metathalamus, optic thalamus, hypothalamus. The telencephalon: scissures, lobes, comvolutions and parts of the cerebral hemispheres. The grey matter of the cerebral hemisphere: cerebral cortex and corpus striatus. The white matter of the cerebral hemisphere: corona radiata and internal capsule. Corpus callosum, fornix, septum pellucidum. The pyramidal motor system. The extrapyramidal motor system. The general sensation pathways. The optic pathway. The auditory pathway. The vestubular pathway.
Peripheral nervous system
The spinal nerves and the cranial nerves.
Visceral nervous system:
Sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system.
Organs of the senses
The organs of general sensations. Organs of taste. Organs of smell. Organs of sight: the eyeball and its accessory organs. Organs of hearing and of vestibular propriceptive sensation: external ear, middle ear and internal ear.
1) L. Cattaneo - Compendio di Anatomia Umana - Monduzzi
2) G. Ambrosi ed altri - Anatomia dell'uomo - Edi-Ermes