L-OR/12 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and Ability to Understand:

The student is expected to acquire adequate and in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge in the philological-linguistic field useful for the design of educational paths as well as for the decoding of verbal and iconic language of editorial products written in Arabic language. The aim of the course is to achieve an adequate level of linguistic competence, both written and oral, as well as a global understanding of the cultural, historical and linguistic specificities of the Arabic language.

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Comprehension:

The student will be able to deal with the analysis of Arabic texts after having acquired the necessary critical-methodological tools. Furthermore, they will be able to convey the acquired literary and linguistic knowledge in different communicative contexts and master the main techniques and the most common multimedia tools for learning foreign languages.

Autonomy of judgement:

The student will be able to compare elements of his/her own language and culture with those of the Arabic language and culture, highlighting their differences and similarities, free from the conditioning of an ethnocentric perspective. The student will also be able to critically examine the different cultural and sociological aspects of the applications of the Arabic language in its variants.

Communicative skills:

The student will be able to express him/herself, formulating complex statements, in everyday and professional contexts. They will be able to interact with interlocutors of different linguistic levels in structured or emergency contexts as linguistic-cultural mediators between the Arabic language and culture and their own.

Ability to learn:

The student will develop a method of study suitable to continue independently the learning and deepening of the Arabic language. They will be able to direct their critical interpretation skills towards a clear recognition of the essential factors of a process and their possible development, also in view of the creation of wide-ranging cultural and interdisciplinary projects. The student will also be able to use the most advanced technological tools in order to select the most authoritative sources of updates.

Course Structure

Teaching will be conducted through lectures, seminars and group activities.

Detailed Course Content

The course is divided into four main themes: History of the Arabic language, Dialectology, Variety and Variation, and Sociolinguistics. In addition to a theoretical introduction, each topic will be treated through the analysis of Arabic texts.
In particular, the following will be observed:

Textbook Information

Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics (Kees Versteegh et al., eds.), Leiden, Brill:


R.Traini: “Vocabolario arabo-italiano”, Roma IPO, 1965-1973 (e successive ristampe).

Arabic texts and further material will be provided on Studium.

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