L-LIN/13 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge of the civilization, culture and literary works of the German speaking countries; learning of philological and linguistic research methodology and of literary criticism, whit particular regard for textual criticism.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, seminars.

Detailed Course Content

German culture and literature of the XIX and XX centuries.

Textbook Information

P. Celan, Todesfuge

W. Borchert, Das Brot

I. Bachmann, Undine geht(Ondina se ne va) e scelta di poesie

H. Böll, Es wird etwas geschehen, (Qualcosa accadrà)

H. Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der K. Blum (L'onore perduto di Katharina Blum)

Ch. Wolf, Medea. Voci, Roma, Edizioni e/o

M, Frisch, Andorra


Testi critici:

Raul Calzoni, La letteratura tedesca del secondo dopoguerra, Carocci, 2018

R. Svandrlik, Ingeborg Bachmann. I sentieri della scrittura,Carocci, 2000 (capitoli scelti)



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