L-LIN/02 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Attending the course students will gain first elements of Italian as a second language or as a foreign language, focussing on diachronic evolution of the main didactic models and on the most important didactic techniques. Therefore, different typologies of learners will be examined, focussing on their needs and on their aims and purposes; students will also have some elements on how to teach in a multicultural and multi-linguistic didactic environment. A particular attention will be given to the techniques more useful to guide learners to discover grammar and to conduct a metalinguistic reflection.

Course Structure

During the course, made of 18 lessons, there will be 3 tests to verify the achievement of different objectives. All students that will do the tests during the course will be able to divide the final program; all other students will do a unique written test before final exam.

Detailed Course Content

Textbook Information

Pierangela Diadori, Stefania Semplici, Donatella Troncarelli, Didattica di base dell’italiano L2, Carocci, 2020. (pp. 168)

Maria G. Lo Duca, Esperimenti grammaticali. Riflessioni e proposte sull’insegnamento della grammatica dell’italiano, Carocci, ediz. 2021. (pp. 200)

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All the books listed in the programs can be consulted in the Library.

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