L-LIN/05 - 9 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Based on reading and analysis of selected texts, this course aims to develop the student’s critical understanding of Spanish literature, from the late 16th to the 19th century. The course focuses upon the literary strains and tendencies and the most representative figures of peninsular Spanish contemporary literature. Throughout the course, students will read and analyze works of prose and poetry with a consideration of their cultural, social, historical and philosophical context.

Expected learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding:

Students will be able to dentify and describe the trends, movements, authors and literary works of Spanish literature during the studied period.

Making judgement:

Students will be able to make a critical reading of academic texts and to express a critical judgement.

Comunication skills:

Students will be able to articulate central course concepts and express them, orally, in formal presentations or in clearly written and well-argued papers.

Learning skills:

Students will be able to further extend their knowledge, skills an undestanding through continued studies.

Course Structure

Lectures, seminars, videoconferences;

Detailed Course Content

The course will be held in Spanish and will address the following themes:

Nociones propedéuticas: introducción al análisis literario;

Derroteros de la lírica en el siglo XVI: lírica tradicional y lírica culta.

El Barroco español en sus manifestaciones ideológicas y literarias;

De las “bellas letras” a la "literatura": el siglo XVIII;

El Romanticismo como umbral de la modernidad;

El programa estético e ideológico del Realismo;

Textbook Information

1. Methodological texts:

Navarro Durán, R., La mirada al texto. Comentario de textos literarios, Barcelona, Ariel, 2015.

Marchese, A., Forradellas, J. Diccionario de retórica, crítica y terminología literaria, Barcelona. Ariel, 1986.

2. Handbook:

Pedraza Jiménez, F., Rodríguez Cáceres, M., Las épocas de la literatura española, Barcelona, Ariel, 2012 (o edizioni seguenti), pp. 71-254.

3. Books:

Cervantes Saavedra, M. de, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha, Madrid, Cátedra, 2001, (Primera parte);

Vega Carpio, L. de, La viuda valenciana, Madrid, Castalia, 2001.

Fernández de Moratín, L., El sí de las niñas, Madrid, Cátedra, 2002.

Pérez Galdós, B., Tristana, Madrid, Cátedra, 2008.

4. Anthology of literary texts:

An anthology of poetic texts will be made available through STUDIUM.


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