L-OR/12 - 6 CFU - 2° Semester

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

knowledge and understandig: students should acquire adequate methodological tools in order to develop critical skills, for a good comprehension of literary texts and other forms of cultural expression in an interdisciplinary frame.

applying knowledge and understanding: through lectures, seminars, tutorials and guided readings, students will be able to approach some literary texts, by combining their knowledge in an interdisciplinary way.

making judgement: thanks to their linguistic and critical tools, students will be able to apply independently their skills and knowledge to the reading and comprehension of simple literary texts (with levels of language difficulties and cultural content adapted to the state of their knowledge).

communication skills:students will be able to convey effectively what they have learned during the course of studies, by expressing clearly, with good expertise in this field.

learning skills: students will be able to use adjourned learning techniques (peer tutoring, lateral thinking, problem solving) aiming to increase their levels of knowledge.

Course Structure

The lessons will take place mainly according to a frontal and laboratory teaching method.

There are also seminars, language exercises and peer tutoring activities.

Detailed Course Content

The course aims to introduce students to the history of arabic literature, through the study of literary genres and how these relate to and emerge out of the cultural contexts that formed them during the classical and post-classical periods. Through reading, analysis and translation of literary texts, students will explore the cultural topics of the Arab civilization.

Textbook Information

- D. Amaldi, Storia della letteratura araba classica, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2004: capitoli I-VII;

- Ibn al-muqaffa‘, Il libro di Kalila e Dimna (a cura di A. Borruso-M. Cassarino), Salerno Editrice, pp. 23-41;

- M. Cassarino (a cura di), Le mille e una notte. Le storie più belle, Einaudi, 2006:

- Arazi A., « De la voix au calame et la naissance du classicisme en poésie », in Arabica, vol. XLIV, 1997, pp. 377-406.

- Cachia P., “Arabic Literatures ‘Elite’ and ‘Folk’ Junctions and Disjunctions”, in Quaderni di Studi Arabi, Nuova Serie, Vol. 3 (2008), pp. 135-152.

- Chraïbi A., « Personnification, enchâssement, étonnement et littérature arabe médiane », in Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 29, (2015), pp. 23-42, DOI :

- Larcher P., « Les sîra-s ‘populaires’ de langue arabe », in Lectures du Roman de Baybars (éd. Jean-Claude Garcin), 2003, Éditions Parenthèses / MMSH. Pp. 17-27. (on Studium)

J.S. Meisami – P. Starkey (eds.), Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature, New York, 1998:

For translations: R.Traini: “Vocabolario arabo-italiano”, Roma IPO, 1965-1973 (e successive ristampe).

Arabic texts and other reference material will be available on Studium

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