L-LIN/04 - 9 CFU - Annual Tuition

Teaching Staff


Learning Objectives

Knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to acquire knowledge and skills about written and oral reception according to the B1/B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Applying knowledge and understanding:

Thanks to the acquisition of linguistic and cultural skills in French and Francophone areas, students will be able to use and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, and to compare different linguistic and cultural domains.

Making judgment:

By interpreting useful data for formulating independent judgments, students will be able to face problematic situations arising from the comparison between different languages and cultures, and combine knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, orienting themselves in the context of intercultural mediation.

Communication skills:

Students will acquire the ability to express in a complex and articulated way information, opinions, projects and solutions and to effectively communicate in an autonomous way what they learned during the course of studies in mediation working contexts.

Learning skills:

Students will be able to create relationships and to interact with heterogeneous interlocutors in different professional and cultural contexts, in which they will know how to interpret, to understand and to use in autonomous way the formalities of expression and communication. They will also develop the capacity to learn on an ongoing basis, identifying strategies for acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Course Structure

■ Frontal lessons

■ Presentations

■ Workshops

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

To be completed

Textbook Information


A) Morphosyntax


- S. Poisson-Quinton, R. Mimran, M. Mahéo-Le Coadic, Grammaire expliquée du français. Niveau intermédiaire. CLE International, 2007. (Manuel et Exercices).

La sphère du nom;

La sphère du verbe;

Les mots invariables;

Se situer dans l’espace et dans le temps

Les différents types de phrases

De la phrase simple à la phrase complexe

Les relations logico-temporelles.


Suggested books:

- AA.VV., Les 500 exercices de grammaire (avec corrigés), Niveau B1. Paris: Hachette, 2007 (il testo è scaricabile anche in pdf).

- AA.VV., Les 500 exercices de grammaire. Niveau B2. Paris: Hachette, 2007 (il testo è scaricabile anche in pdf).


B) Language abilities:

- AA. VV., Saison 3 – B1 - Méthode de français. Paris: Didier, 2015.

- AA. VV., Saison 4 – B2 - Méthode de français. Paris: Didier, 2015.


Monographical lectures


A) Methodology: laboratory (compréhension des écrits et texte argumentatif) – Lecturer's files


B) Monographical lectures – Médiation, immigration et traduction

F. Windmüller. Français langue étrangère (FLE): L’approche culturelle et interculturelle. Paris: Belin, 2011 (selected parts)

Lecturer's files



Lecturer's files – Translation laboratory; texts from W. Tamzali. Histoiresminuscules des révolutions arabes. Paris : Chèvre Feuille, 2012.


Reference books:

- J. Podeur, La pratica della traduzione. Dal francese in italiano e dall’italiano al francese. Napoli: Liguori, 1993.

- M. Oustinoff, La traduction. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2003.

- S. Amrani, É. Grimaldi, Dalla lettura… à la traduction. Catania: C.U.E.C.M., 2007

Le syntagme nominal

Le syntagme verbal

La phrase complexe



Bilingual Dictionaries

- Garzanti, Dizionario fr-it.; it.-fr., Garzanti, ultima ed.

- Il Larousse francese. fr-it; it-fr., Rizzoli/Larousse, ultima ed.


Monolingual Dictionaries

- Le Petit Robert, Le Robert, ultima ed.

- Le Petit Larousse illustré, Larousse, ultima ed.

- Trésor de la langue française informatisé (

Open in PDF format Versione in italiano